Bye-Bye You The Corrupted "Xaafad-Tooyo" Soldier ( Abdi-Shotaly).

Monday August 19, 2024 - 17:38:49
* N.B We Badly Inherted The Consequences Of Our Fingers That Voted For You.

The soldier at " Xaafad-Tooyo" has found practically what our honourable nationals are saying or really thinking of him and his mal-administration I.e the engaged mare horse ( Geenyo-Shaaximan) the big eared corpose ( Bakhti-Dhego-Weyn) & so on so forth. This man on the top heading whose nickname is " The one who remained alive after all real SNM HEROES Have died" ( raggii ma adigaa ka hadhay). This man has travelled through the Regions of Sahil,Togdheer, Daad-madheedh, Saraar heading to Sanaag ( Erigavo) and small towns or village that laying between these Regions or districts, but the question is what he has met with the populations of these areas that he gone with the latest high technology priced GMC Land Rovers. Here is what the people saying to him, please read the following paragraph carefully.

(a) People beside the roads were shouting and saying We are not voting for you, we support Waddani National Party, Mr ERRO is our next president after 13/Nov/2024. Almost all the nationals around the country, up & down are collectively gone to the party of S/Lands Hopes, it's the one uniting this nation, party of peace, justice, prosperity, the one that opens a peaceful dialogue with SSC Khatumo and will free those 480 prisoner at their prisons in which the Man at Morgan's house never said a word since 25 August2023, but still hoovering a new war, because he want to postbone the election and to increase his duration in office, which is impossible at this current environment.

(b) Honestly, the people of S/Land are not in favour of this mental soldier's stinking party ( Qudhmiye) and his administration, they hated him more than their wastes except the few stooges who robbed the national taxes that was collected from the poor ladies, who sell vegetables such as tomatoes In streets of all S/Land big cities including the capital to serve for survival of their starved children and themselves.

(c) They ( nationals) shouted loudly & with high voiced words " We don't want you" Bye-Bye soldier we want peace" we don't want any kind of clan fighting. There is nearly one year from the day that our army was defeated in few hours at Goojacade base, about 4000 S/Land soldiers were killed and eaten by wild hyenas & foxes, another 480 prisoners are still in the hands of SSC KHATUMO JAILS. Above of all these, he never ever say a word of how and why this is happened to our strong army.

(d) We want a national presidential election based with free & fairness justice without war or disturbances, having no interference from your rubbish dictatorship administration. Let the National Commission Be Free to do their own job independently. We don't want you anymore, leave the chair without firing a single one bullet, Waddni will rebuild the country again and put back in right track the we lost when unluckily elected you unknowingly by mistake, we got the consequence of 13Nov2017. Leave us alone peacefully.

* N.B We Badly Inherted The Consequences Of Our Fingers That Voted For You.

By Abdi-Shotaly.

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