Berbera Port Is Not Different From Other Parts Of The Country ( Abdi-Shotaly)?

Saturday March 08, 2025 - 17:34:16
*N.B Saaxils Should Look Before They Leap.

Berbera port or Saaxil Region is one of Somaliland's Regions, having same law & Regulations, it's nothing different from the other parts of our beloved country, if the case is that, why people of " Saaxil" Are shouting at facebooks, twitter tiktalks and media as a whole? They have to answer the above questions and so on.

I don't know why they are making all these unpleasant alegations without any good reasons or basis? SAAXIL'S inhabitants work from all S/Land bounders, got more than their shares in New S/Land government in which they never ever have something like that before the current days of this administration. Now-a-days,an outcry that comes from ' SAAXIL" Is illegal and selfishness, which is characterised a chronic sickness of triblism. In reality They have:-

( a) The first Minister og interior.
(b) The general director of :- Fuel Saving Tanks" In Berbera.
(c) Ministers of Livestick,
(d) The commander of Police force.
(e) Also they got three managers ( Agaasinayaal),
(f) 2 Regional governors.
(g) One assistant governer.
(h) Mayor of Berbera.
(i) Head of S/Land courts.
(K) 2 Assistant ministers. My honest readers, a part from all these, they have so many high ranked officials in every department, social sectors, and private or independent governmental firms and so many others.

If I try to mention what they are saying to claim it, it's an unfounded & unrealistic provocations, without a good cause. "SAAXILS), Are governors in other regions, they do work all around, up & down the country, yet they want nobody from other clans, couldn't works or be a head of SAAXIL Governmental bussinesses. Is that logic or acceptable, fair to other S/Land Clans? Absolutely its " ABIG NO" And a rebbush with selfishness.

In short, Everybody or anyone has its own region, than if "Saaxil Regional people" Want to go with their wrong assumptions, they have to clear all their responsibilities or jobs in Regions of other clans, otherwise they have accept Somalilands Rule of Law and stop what they saying from the social medias. To be fair and justice, they want them bribed with nothing,they have to face on ground realities.
*N.B Saaxils Should Look Before They Leap.

Hadhwanaagnews marnaba masuul kama aha Aragtida dadka kale. Qoraaga ayaa xumaanteeda, xushmadeeda iyo xilkeeda sida. waxa kaliya oo Hadhwanaagmedia dhiirigalinaysaa, isdhaafsiga aragtida, canaanta gacaliyo talo wadaagga!
