Thousands of people flocked to the residents of somaliland
Dictator saxani was short minimum wisdom to rule somaliland. He was short minimum charisma to run a country. He was short minimum knowledge to administer a country. He was minimum experience to run a country. He was minimum education to run a country. He was minimum expertise to administration a country. He was minimum leadership to run a country. He was short minimum reputation to run a country. He was minimum experience to run a country. Dictator saxani preferred the least reputable personalities in somaliland like Ibrahim Duufle, omar sayid, liiban, Solteco, the mayor of Gabiley, the mayor of Berbera, saed sulub, toorno, sajin, Xinif, Abdiaziz Cagaweyne, Qodax, abdiwali, Abdirahman dheere, most his office staff, the governer of borama, somaliland attorney general, Ali marxeexan etc. He dislikes any reputable personalities in somaliland. Above this, dictator saxani is wearing a glass which, he can see only his clan members. He is the most tribal minded president in somaliland long history. He made somaliland as his family business. Dictator saxani is the last person on earth to trust. He is the last person on earth to believe. He is the last person to listen. Dictator saxani is cruel in mind. Cruel in character. Cruel in behaviour, cruel in discipline, cruel in heart, cruel in mind, cruel in brain. Dictator love to kill, love to arrest, love to loot, love to abuse, love to discriminate. He is cruel brain in action. Somaliland voters committed deadly mistake when elected dictator saxani in 2017. He love bad examples in Somaliand like those which I listed their names in the above. Thank, the merciful, the compassionate, somaliland voters unseated dictator saxani in landslide victory. Somaliland voters have elected a leader who can salvage somaliland at this critical time, AbdirahmanMohamed. We elected a leader who can unit our people which dictator saxani divided in thepast. We elected a leader who will lead somaliland smoothly
Every Somaliland citizen is glad unseating dictator saxani. Every Somaliland citizen is glad to end dictator saxani cruel system. Every Somaliland citizen is glad removing dictator saxani dictatorship. Every Somaliland citizen is glad to put down dictator saxani system. Every Somaliland citizen is glad to remove power from dictator saxani. Every Somaliland citizen is glad to remove power from corrupt system. Every Somaliland citizen is glad to end dictator saxani regime. Every Somaliland citizen is glad to end dictator saxani tribal minded system. Every Somaliland citizen is glad to end the black days. Every Somaliland citizen is glad to vote against dictator saxani. Every Somaliland citizen is glad electing a leader that we trust, Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi. Every Somaliland citizen is glad electing a leader who can unit our people which dictator saxani divided in the past. Every Somaliland citizen is glad electing a leader with civilian mentality. Every Somaliland citizen is glad electing a leader which we admire. Every Somaliland citizen is glad electing a leader who is sole choice for every Somaliland citizen. Every Somaliland citizen is glad electing a leader who will lead somaliland peacefully. Every Somaliland citizen is glad electing a leader who will not tell us fabricated lies like dictator saxani. Every Somaliland citizen is glad electing a leader who can remove somaliland political and diplomatic isolation. Every Somaliland citizen is glad electing a leader who is characterised a wealth of postive attributes Everything has its beginning and its end. This is the end of dictator saxani. Zooming up, happy days are ahead for every Somaliand citizen.
Thousands of people flocked to the residents of somaliland former President Ahmed Mohamoud silanyo to pay last respect to somaliland former Presidents who was the incon of SNM liberation struggle. Ahmed Mohamed silanyo was the symbol of liberation struggle and champion of somaliland demoracy. Ahmed silanyo was a leader of unforgettable history. His liberation struggle will be remembered everlasting. I filmed this photo while I was in front of his residents to see how somaliland citizens paying last respect to him. The masses of crowds that came to last respect to somaliland former honorable leader, Ahmed Mohamed silanyo. Death involves pain and sorrow. However, no one remain on earth permanently as all of us are transit in this world. In view of Above, this is my condolences to the family, to his children, to his relatives and his friends. Inna lilaahi wa inaa ilayhi waa inaa la raajaun .
Ali Behi