Diplomacy connect nations together, somaliland diplomacy
Somaliland voters have two choices which is either to vote for dictatorship system or to vote for unique demoracy system. President Muse is symbol of dictatorship system while Abdirahman is symbol for a real democratic system. Somaliland voters have vote one these two choices .
Diplomacy connect nations together, somaliland diplomacy in international platforms will improve radically when elected wadani party presidential candidate Abdirahman Mohamed as somaliland sixth president by December, 2024. His election will reform somaliland diplomacy positively and successfully .
The mayor of Gabiley behaves as if he is a presentative of kulmiye failed government department. He behaves as if somaliland region of Gabiley belongs to kulmiye government which damages the region image locally and independence.This is true picture for kulmiye failed government. The region local population lost trusting the failed system.
Hundreds of gabiley local population chanted slogans expressing support to wadani party while denounced kulmiye failed government 13 years rule in somaliland which promised fake promises to the region. People chanted slogans in the streets of gabiley supporting wadani .
Kulmiye failed government has fried to hijack the legitimate rights for Gabiley local population by prevented a conference held in Gabiley by local people supporting Wadani party. Being an authoritarian system, they arrested some members of the conference originsers. Fear is surrounded the failed system. This is the reason why they opposed held conference in Gabiley .
Kulmiye failed system has the policy to trade wars, conflicts and hostilities as they believe killing human suffering generate politcal interest to them. Moreover, they believe humantrian crisis develop politcal interest to them. Additionally, they believe bloodshed brings politcal interest to them. This is the first in history we have observed a political party which consider human suffering work in their favour .
Somaliland didn't need songs and dances in Hargeisa freedom square, but we need peace, demoracy principles & free and fair election in our country. We don't need fake propaganda through our social media. We didn't need baseless speeches which didn't involves any benefit to somaliland public .
Ali Behi