The terror rule is closed to end . (Burao). Ali Behi

Wednesday October 02, 2024 - 20:46:24
History has registered unbreakable record in every partof theworld..

This is kulmiye failed party political program for 2024 - 2029 which is the choke of the century. Their program for 2017 - 2022 has failed to translate the purposed written for the program. The question is, how we can trust their new party manifest when their old has failed. We consider their new party program as advertising lies. This is lies in action. Lies has no endurance, but truth has long endurance. This is a book which lies are documented. Muse bihi who occupied highest office in somaliland for 7 years is short minimum credit and minimum success to be proud off .

History has registered unbreakable record in every partof theworld. How local population have welcomed wadani party high powered delegation in Buroa leading by the party presidential candidate Abdirahman Mohamed and the party candidate Hersi Hajji Ali has registered unbreakable record in somaliland history. This warm welcome has uplifted the emotions and the feelings of the entire Buroa local population. Also,this exceptional welcome has united the hearts and the emotions of the entire somaliland population in particular, the party supporter locally as well as the party supporters in somaliland expatriate community across the world. This unique welcome has excited the whole Somaliand population across the country. The hospitality extended by Buroa local population to wadani party powerful delegation is the main subject of talk throughout somaliland media as well as well elsewhere This warm welcome has generated waves of people to come out the streets of Buroa to welcome thedelegation. People were chanting wadani party slogans which generated joyful among people. This rare welcome has produced heartfelt hospitality which is like sitting with gladness. The welcome has developed new Era and new chapter for Somaliand long history. The welcome has attracted all party supporters alike. This unprecedented welcome made shock to kulmiye failed system and it's leaders who short good reputation amount somaliland total population in every region and every district in Somaliand being labelled as hopeless system. This warm welcome has motivated and inspire everyone in Somaliand who has the opportunity to watch this exceptional welcome. Buroa local population have spoken united language being joined their hearts and minds. The tribalism has no effect in this unbreakable welcome. This was a message for whole Somaliand population throughout somaliland. In conclusion, four things things can't be denied namely, the sun, the moon, the truth and party unprecedented success and enlargement which made the party, the one in somaliland. Last but not the least, wadani political party has win somaliland due presidential election before actual election begin in November, 13, 2024. This will end result positive changes which will produce peace, stability and better lives for our people who are disappointed by president Muse inefficient system.

Somaliland talented singer Ugad Aragsan sung a lovely song which described true picture for somaliland tribal minded president Muse Bihi. Seven years in office, Muse Bihi is short even a word credit which he claim as success as he was busy looting public land. These words included the song. The singer Ugaad Aragsan represents the feeling and how somaliland public see the corrupt president, Muse Bihi and his system. The successive sings played by somaliland horn stars singers who are leading band among somali speaking Singers. These successive songs answered the feeling and the suffering of somaliland public in the hands of corrupt system. This lovely band played heart warming songs at right time. The songs have generated long lasting memories for somaliland public being win the hearts and minds of somaliland population throughout the country. It was amazing songs that pleased our ears and emotions .

President Muse Bihi system is crumbling due to successive failures in all walks of live. His reputation is running it's lowest level since he came somaliland highest office in 2017. Even his clan members are distanced him being lose popularity across somaliland. Muse bihi main agenda is loot somaliland public properties, rule the country through terror, fear, inequality, injustice, repression, police brutality, illegal dentition, unlawful rules, mismanagement, corruption, abuse of power, embezzlement and political failure. Unfortunately, most of his government officials are short of minimum education, minimum experience and minimum reputation. This is the reason why the tribal minded president Muse Bihi is short reputation among Somaliland total population.

This picture which is the biggest human gathering has not been experienced in somaliland long history. This is an early election victory in advance. Our people in Buroa has spoken in united language. Buroa local population have joined hearts and minds. This is strength of power and uniy. The photo is power of uniy. It is power of popularity. The photo describes an early election victory.

 The photo made great disappointment to the tribal minded president, Muse Bihi who never thought about his bank accounts. The tribal minded president corruption has registered peak record. His power abuse has never experienced in somaliland long history. The chocolates personalities which he hired to praise in somaliland media have failed to make him a good image as no has the miracle to convert bad reputation to good reputation. Muse bihi believe looting public properties is part of his duty. 

He believes corruption is major part of his work. His terror rule has failed to fear somaliland great people. Credit goes to somaliland total population that joined hearts and minds to replace the dictatorship system. Somaliland is experiencing its worst period since founded in 1991 in view of corrosive policies which damaged somaliland greatly. Muse bihi authoritarian policies have failed to silent somaliland voices as there is nothing to fear when right. In view of above, Muse bihi dictatorship days are numbered. Every thing in any part of the world has its begins and ifs end. Muse bihi authoritarian rule in Somaliand will end not far away or shortly. Somaliland agony days close to end. The terror rule is close to end .

Ali Behi

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