Somaliland horn stars (Xidigaha Geeska ). Ali Behi

Sunday September 29, 2024 - 15:26:45
Abaadir Abdi is the front line for somaliland democratic

Wadani party high powered delegation leading wadani party presidential candidate,Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi, deputy candidate Mohamed Ali and party chairman Hersi Hajji Ali paid visit to berbera today.Thereafter,the entire Berbera local population came out to welcome with great interest and with enthusiasm the party delegation. Despite, Berbera high temperature, Berbera local population turned every stone to welcome the party delegation. How Berbera local population welcomed wadani party leaders can't be described in words being unprecedented. Berbera local population have decided to support and vote for a change being the sole means which we can salvage somaliland at present..

Somaliland horn stars who are the leading singers among somali speaking Singers are voice of change in somaliland. Their songs reflects the feeling of our people collectively. They expressed somaliland voters should not make second mistake like the previous mistake. Their continual songs address change for somaliland. These lovely singers represent the feeling of our people collectively. Everything has its right time. These songs are produced at the right time. These lovely songs are major stories for social media various types. They are are the main discussion in social media. Those songs have generated patriotism feeling among Somaliland people across somaliland.

The voice for change is occupied throughout somaliland. The voice of change to salvage somaliland i occupied throughout somaliland. The voice of change to unseat Muse bihi is occupied throughout somaliland. The voice of change to elect wadani is the main subject in social media. Somaliland people across somaliland are united to unseat President Muse Bihi authoritarian system which is leading somaliland to destruction. As published in somaliland social media, somaliland population in all regions, districts and even the population in somaliland settlement are united against the corrupt failed system which leading somaliland to hopeless situation..

Abaadir Abdi is the front line for somaliland democratic changes. He is noble somaliland citizen who is loyal his country and his people but not to Muse dictatorship system. Abaadir has devoted his life to make changes to his country to make better the lives of his people. He spend his time, his effort, his money and his energy to somaliland and its people better. Abaadir contribution for somaliland successful changes can't be described in words as spends round the hour to make great contribution to lead changes in somaliland .

Ali Behi

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