This is the end of the criminal regime. Ali Behi

Sunday November 24, 2024 - 11:44:02
Somaliland dictatorship system is replaced by the choice of somaliland

The unity of Somaliand people is restored after elected Abdirahman MohamedAbdillahi as president of somaliland. Somaliand people become friends once again when we unseated dictator saxani.Peace in somaliland and the region will be restored after removed power from dictator saxani. The wars, conflicts and hostilities between somaliland and Dhulbahante clan will end after ending dictator Muse bihi authoritarian rule. There will not be more conflicts in the region. This is my congratulation to every Somalilander who has taken leading role to unseat dictatorship system in somaliland.

Somaliland dictatorship system is replaced by the choice of somaliland people leading by Abdirahman Mohamed. Abdillahi.This is the end of the authoritarian regime in somaliland. This is the end of human right violation in somaliland. This is the end of criminal regime in somaliland. This is the end oppressive rule in Somaliand. This is the end of corrupt regime in somaliland. This is the end of power abuse in somaliland. This is the end of brutal regime in somaliland. This is the end of looting somaliland public properties in somaliland. This is end of unreliable system in somaliland. This is the end of political failure in somaliland. A new Era of happiness, peace and uniy born in Somaliand .

Somaliland outgoing president Muse Bihi Abdi meet Somaliland designated president Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi together with two somaliland chamber of parliament and the somaliland Supreme Court judge. This is three branches of somaliland government, the executive, the law makers and the judiciary. This is farewell event for dictator saxani and his brutal system.
This is end of dictator dictator saxani system which was a symbol of failed

United nations ambassador in somalia James swan told president Muse bihi to implement Habar jeclo traditional leaders communique with regards somaliland democratic election as this the sole solution for somaliland delayed elections. Habar jeclo traditional sultans communique has answered somaliland boiling circumstances which was the bottleneck of holding free and fair election in somaliland. President Muse and two somaliland chamber of parliament have inked earlier to implement peaceful election in somaliland which we gained it's fruits at present. Hence, Somaliand recent impressive election goes to somaliland grand Habar jeclo traditional leadership. This great clan has demonstrated how they loyal to country and their people.

Ali Behi

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