Hargeisa Gobanimo Market to Zero Ground. Ali Behi

Tuesday February 04, 2025 - 15:58:58 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Hargeisa Gobanimo Market to Zero Ground. Ali Behi

    The huge blaze which erupted Gobonimo market in hargeisa...

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The huge blaze which erupted Gobonimo market in hargeisa...

Destructive blaze has erupted one of Hargeisa famous markets in Hargeisa known as Gobonimo.According to somaliland fire brigade General Ahmed, the devastated blaze stretched almost one kilometer distance. It destroyed large number of shops, but, there was no deaths and injures reported. Human negligence cause most of the fires in somaliland.

As pictured in here, destructive fire has engulfed one of Hargeisa popular markets known as Gobonimo. In this devastated fire, hundreds of somaliland citizens have lost their properties. The market was feeding center thousands of somaliland families. The fire has converted the market to zero ground as we can see in here. Unfortunately, most of fire accidents in somaliland happens as a result of human negligence and short circuits. In various times, Somaliland fire brigade General, Ahmed has turned every stone to alert traders in the market about the risk of fire accidents, but, no one has paid attention to his consecutive calls about fire accidents prevention and to make space for the markes , so that fire fighters can get excess to put fire under control without delay. The traders in this market have failed to learn lessons from destructive fire in waheen and wajaale which made thousands of traders penniless. The devastated fire in this fire has left painful pictures which will be remembered generations to come .

The huge blaze which erupted Gobonimo market in hargeisa has left deadly destruction as pictured in here. Hence, fire prevention is everyone responsibility. Life lessons are important in our daily life as fire leaves painful memories. Fire accidents pinch our lives very strongly. Unfortunately, human errors are what cause deadly fire in somaliland. Most traders are busy 24/7 to generate more money and more wealth for themselves, but Unfortunately, they don't pay equal attention to protect their properties from deadly fires .

The huge fire which erupted in Hargeisa Gonimo market turned Hargeisa blue sky to red with involved thick smoke in the air. Hargeisa local residents awake up while fire carpeted Gobonimo market to zero ground. Unfortunately,the fire has bitten the vulnerable part of somaliland society make up.The logic is, we are supposed to learn lessons What, we have experienced yesterday as our brain is super storage which keep updating everyday .

Ali Behi

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