Somaliland relieved Official invitation from King of Saudi Arabia to president of Somaliland Abdirahman (Ciro) .

Thursday January 30, 2025 - 17:41:30 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Somaliland relieved Official invitation from King of Saudi Arabia to president of Somaliland Abdirahman (Ciro) .

    Since Somaliand president was elected in November 2024,

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Since Somaliand president was elected in November 2024,




UAE and Somaliland reached the following agreements. No.1. To upgrade UAE office in somaliland. No. 2. To build three airports in somaliland, Hargeisa, Buroa and Borama.No. 3. To build a train that connects Somaliland &Ethiopia. No. 4. To train 15,000 somaliland various forces. No. 5. Five bilateral agreements which included trade, banking, security, logistics, agricultural and cultural exchange. The visit produced unprecedented achievements which touches every aspect of somaliland people's lives.


It is interesting news, somaliland president Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi has received another official invitation from the kingdom of saudi Arabia due to somaliland importance to saudi arabia interest and global politics. Thereafter, the president will pay another visit to USA.In view of the president unprecedented popularity which skyrocketed, the world influential players have extended unbounded cooperation to somaliland and its leadership. Globally, good coach is liked by everyone alike. Good name is more valuable than amount of wealth. Good name is more valuable than precious diamonds.


Since Somaliand president was elected in November 2024, No more dictatorship rule. No more authoritarian rule. No more power abuse. No more illegal arrest. No more corruption. No more looting public properties. No more military defeat. No more successive failures. No more political isolation. No more threatening language. No more wars. No more conflicts, no more tribalism, no more discrimination, no more divisions, no more arbitrary arrests, no more false pride, no more fake claim, no more fake promise, no more favorites, no more prevelleges.


Ali Behi

[email protected]


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