Somaliland president received an official invitation from UAE.Ali Behi

Monday January 27, 2025 - 14:42:16 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Somaliland president received an official invitation from UAE.Ali Behi

    This is the reason why Somaliand president has received many official

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This is the reason why Somaliand president has received many official

Somaliland president Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi and highly ranking delegation accompanied him have embarked to friendly country UAE after received an official invitation from UAE government. In view of the historic relationship between somaliland and UAE, the president made his first visit to UAE. The relationship between the two countries built on common stragetic interest. Somaliland and UAE have already developed closer ties and fruitful relationship. Somaliand has a close proximity to Gulf arab states which are major source of world oil supplies. Somaliland stragetic location in horn of africa is vital political player in geopolitics in the region. Nearby 15 % of world oil supplies pass through the Gulf of Aden which is adjust to somaliland maritime.

Somaliland is different than Somalia and somalia is different than somaliland. The two countries ( somaliland and somalia) share religion and language only, but nothing else.Somaliland depends the esources of its owncountry, while somalia depends on the assistance of foreign countrie.

 Somalia peace is imported from foreign countries help, while peace in somaliland is homemade which is free from any foreign assistance. In fact, somaliland function like any country from the rest of world, while somali government is short even full authority from its own capital, city Mogadishu. Half of somali territory is administered by Alqaeda affiliated terrorist organization, Alshabab. The most important federal states in somalia like puntland and Jubaland have cut ties with somali fragile government in Mogadishu which is under the protection of african peace keeping forces. 

Somaliland is a country which gained global praise across the world being an oasis of peace and new model of africa demoracy. Neutral observers labelled somaliland peaceful island located in a region effected by wars and conflicts like somalia. Somaliland and somalia were separated 110 years while in union only 30 years. Hence, it is against the law of logic the 30 years which somaliland united with somalia has great affect or important the 110 which somaliland separated from somalia. The bottom line is, somaliland independence declaration in 1991 is permanent and not subject to negotiation to any foreign powers as no one on earth can change the reality at present in horn of africa as false claim has zero impact in the ground. The map of horn of africa was changed when somaliland and eritrea become independent respectively

Somaliland image which was navigating from bad to worse before somaliland election in November 2024 has healed from the old wound which deteriorated somaliland reputation locally, regionally and internationally. Since elected somaliland new president Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi, Somaliand image greatly improved locally, regionally and internationally. In view of somaliland successful election recently which gained global Prais across the world, influential political players from the world are in competition to gain close relationship with somaliland new government under president Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi. 

This is the reason why Somaliand president has received many official invitations from various countries of the world like UAE which, the president made his first visit as somaliland and UAE are connected by mutual stragetic interest. UAE and somaliland are two branches of a tree but in same root. The relationship between the two countries is based on unshakable commitment. Historically, somaliland and UAE shared Historic relationship between the two countries which existed way back to centuries. Somaliland and UAE share religion and traditional culture which is based Islamic values.

Ali Behi

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