During his time in Mogadishu, Shaaciye continued his journalistic...

The Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) welcomes the release of journalist Shafi’i Abdi Mohamed (commonly known as Shaaciye), who had beendetainedin Hargeisa since Thursday, 16 January 2025. |
On 16 January,Shaaciye,a journalist known for his critical posts about Somaliland authorities on Facebook, was arrested upon his return to Hargeisa from Mogadishu, where he had resided for a year. |
Local journalists informed SJS that Somaliland police raided his home and arrested him following orders from Somaliland Police Commander Mohamed Adan Saqadhi. |
Somaliland police officials have not commented on the circumstances surrounding Shaaciye’s detention. |
Shaaciye had previously fled Hargeisa, citing threats from Somaliland’s national intelligence due to his critical posts. He spent nearly a year in Mogadishu. |
During his time in Mogadishu, Shaaciye continued his journalistic work, frequently posting onFacebookand other platforms, including reports highlighting police corruption and public complaints about the Somaliland police commander. |
On 18 January, Shaaciye was reportedly brought before the Maroodi Jeh Court in Hargeisa, where his detention was extended for a week. |
On Wednesday, 22 January, he was released from police custody after the intervention of clan elders and on a condition that he refrains from criticizing the police, local journalists and a family member told SJS. |
SJS expresses relief at Shaaciye’s release and calls on Somaliland President Abdirahman Abdillahi Irro to ensure that security officials refrain from targeting journalists and media workers who critique the government. |
"While we welcome Shaaciye’s release, we strongly condemn the raid on his home and his unjust detention on 16 January, which caused him to spend a week in custody,” said SJS Secretary General Abdalle Mumin. |
"Since President Abdirahman Irro’s election victory in November last year, there has been a sense of renewed freedom and safety among journalists and others who had previously fled Somaliland. It is crucial for Somaliland authorities to uphold this atmosphere and honor the president’s campaign promise that no one would be targeted for exercising their freedom of expression,” Abdalle Mumin added. |
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