Peace Activation, And Tranquillity In Somaliland (Abdi-Shotaly).

Wednesday January 22, 2025 - 17:09:42 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Peace Activation, And Tranquillity In Somaliland (Abdi-Shotaly).

    N.B S/Land Government Should Control Hedgehogs on Hargeisa Streets.

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N.B S/Land Government Should Control Hedgehogs on Hargeisa Streets.

Somaliland has been relatively peaceful, and its citizens enjoy some degree of tranquility. as the majority of the people are naturally law abiding.

In the recent past, there has been a very critical junctures that resulted law abiding and peaceful demonstrators were savagely killed, and some were brutally wounded when the police and secret forces opened live firearms indiscriminately, which could have been prevented.

Such drastic measures are often propagated by raw senior and lower ranking police officers as well as security apparatus officers who are often colluded with high-level invidious bureaucratic political officials meeting the needs of individuals or groups.

There are three main systemic chronic problems inherited by the newly elected president, and his government can be summarised in the following points:
•There is a near-total absence of any definition for guidance or judicial consideration of impartiality in so far, as it relates to policing and managing National Security Apparatus: -

•Lack of legal application of the impartiality, inequality, and transparency in the judicial system
• Lack of clear legal definition of the boundary between police operational independence and impartiality, accountability as well as influences from significant political figures.
To improve public trust and confidence, it is important for the police forces to communicate effectively with communities as their support is paramount for the police forces to function effectively with professionalism and impartiality without mingling political parties, sectors or groups by upholding law and order for justice to prevail.
To potentially realise this, it is critically vital that the following courses of action should be emphasised at the highest level to provide the clarity needed for police forces to be or remain neutral.

S/Land Governing Body Should Strictly Control Hedgehogs on Hargeisa Streets: -

•Employing strict control measures to tackle street bandits and their culprits behind them using all means available as a law abiding, citizens can go their life normally and without fear or intimidation in the streets of Hargeisa.
•Clarifying the impartiality duty and operational independence, updating associated training and guidance.
•Reviewing and updating the equality and impartiality related legislations
•Introducing guidance about police attendance and conduct at events
•Improving communications with the public about politicised and contested issues
•Introducing guidance relating to the use of external supervisory and advisory committee
•Strengthening the governance arrangements for forces and staff unions,
Peace is the only battle worth waging!
Peace begins when the hungry natiobals are fed!
N.B S/Land Government Should Control Hedgehogs on Hargeisa Streets.

Hadhwanaagnews marnaba masuul kama aha Aragtida dadka kale. Qoraaga ayaa xumaanteeda, xushmadeeda iyo xilkeeda sida. waxa kaliya oo Hadhwanaagmedia dhiirigalinaysaa, isdhaafsiga aragtida, canaanta gacaliyo talo wadaagga!
