The Group Named " Deeqa Afro " Is A Talking Prejudice (Abdi-Shotaly).

Tuesday January 21, 2025 - 18:30:40 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    The Group Named " Deeqa Afro " Is A Talking Prejudice (Abdi-Shotaly).

    N.B Stop Uselessness Talking, If You Lost the Election and Fight Back.

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N.B Stop Uselessness Talking, If You Lost the Election and Fight Back.

The world is confused about the news and stories, it is good that the person or group who wants to complain, should ask themselves the following questions: -

(1) What are you missing and looking for?
(2) Is anyone doing an injustice to you?
(3) Have you been robbed of your property?
(4) Is it unfair?
(5) What are you looking for?
(6) Did someone attacked you?
(7) Did a clan do something wrong to them & belongings?
(8) Or Does the administration made bad?
(9) Do you want more than your fairly sedated share?
(10) Does S/land is something special for you only but not for others?
(11) Are they looking for something that doesn't exist?
(12) Is it because of their prejudice against them?
(13) What is the basis of your fear?
(14) Why you are complaining about Mayor Abdikariim Ahmed Mooge?
(15) Do they smelling the mayor from his Garhajis family?

Is there a person that understands you and says " Deeqa Afro"? , all this is happening, it's nothing else but "They lost the seat from their hands" But has it been given a special inheritance? Doesn't the seat is for all people? Is injustice happen to them or not equal? Why are the livers falling to the ground? The answer is, there is no wealth, soil and land to defend, the things that used to be used have been lost, and that has led to the woes and disasters that are happening. MAYOR MOOGANA is smelling is smelling from a Garhajis family, so let him come with the " Deeqa Afro ".

It's a Somali proverb saying, "Before you do something, pleae check yourself before you do it" whether you have the right or not what you are doing. Let me go back to this group called " Deeqa Afro " led by "Black Crime" He called himself "Black Sea" The man called "Feeding Attacker", do you think there is anything that reflects the above questions? And many more are looking for injustice? What is the reason for the creation of "Deeqa Afro"? In short, it is surprising that they claimed that we are defending "our wealth, our property, our land and our lives." Who are they shouting at? Who took something from them and they say something about it? It is not there, it is their speaking is prejudice that means nothing".

It is said that "before you come to the meeting council of justice, read your judgment well ahead before you come to meeting" and make sure that you have the right to what you want. God knows, in short, all the questions above and others that you may ask yourself, none of them are there or exists. They still haven't said that this wrong was done to us, we were robbed, our property was taken from us, we were killed, we were robbed of our rights, your family invaded us, and the new authorities made us bad. There is absolutely no way to deal with your complaints, as I described above, it is "The Chair" that we have received. I have written this article for you to understand, if the President and the Mayor are taken away from you, they will not be able to smell it again, so let them click in the sky and release what you have, that is what he is talking about.

N.B Stop Uselessness Talking, If You Lost the Election and Fight Back.


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