How China Influences The Regions In Somaliland.

Sunday January 12, 2025 - 12:23:43 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    How China Influences The Regions In Somaliland.

    Somaliland And Tiawan Strategy

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Somaliland And Tiawan Strategy

Taiwan and Somaliland have maintained relations since 2009, cooperating in a range of areas, including maritime security, health care, and education. In February 2020, they signed a major strategic agreement to set up reciprocal representation offices, but it was not made public until July. Mohamed Hagi has been appointed as the Somaliland representative in Taipei, and Lou Chen-hwa as his Taiwanese counterpart in Hargeisa. The agreement aims to foster cooperation on shared issues to strengthen political, social, and economic ties between the two countries, with a focus on agriculture, education, energy, fisheries, health, information and communication, and mining.

Although this strengthening of bilateral relations falls short of full diplomatic recognition, it is a positive step toward possibly establishing official diplomatic relations in the future and toward obtaining international recognition. It also represents a diplomatic re‑energization for both parties, as their ability to persuade any international actor to recognize either of them has waned over the past few years. The last time that Taiwan managed to establish relations with another State was in 2007 with the Caribbean Island of Saint Lucia.

Somaliland and the Horn of Africa have an important geopolitical position. By strengthening its relations with Somaliland, Taiwan can secure a foothold in the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea and ensure the safety of maritime traffic in the Bab al-Man dab Strait. Somaliland therefore represents the gateway into East Africa for Taiwan and an opportunity to challenge China’s considerable influence.

How China Influence In The Somaliland

China has been annoyed in the agreement between Somaliland and Taiwan that agreement based on high diplomacy; China was beginning to push Somaliland to rescind relations with Taiwan. Afterward, the delegation from China in Hargeisa requested to cut off relations with Taiwan, which China will became one of the investors in Somaliland, but the former president, Muse Bihi, has refused

The Chinese government and its ally, Somalia, in the eastern Sool region in Somaliland, are using a proxy war for SSC-KHATUMO militias. The Chinese government is a close friend of Somalia, which claims sovereignty over Somaliland and has supported its military and diplomatic incursions into Mogadishu in an attempt to seize Somaliland’s sovereignty and will hand over illegal weapons to the SSC-KHATUMO Anti-Peace Group Fighting in East Sool to put pressure on Somaliland to withdraw diplomatic relations with Taiwan

The china government firmly opposes any official exchanges or the establishment of official institutions between the authorities of the island of Taiwan and Somaliland, and China urges relevant parties in Somalia to recognize the broader trend and uphold the one-China principle.

Somaliland’s eastern city ofLas Anodhas experienced an outbreak of violence that is approaching its years.Far from spontaneous, the fight between Somaliland on one hand and various forces associated with Somalia on the otherincreasingly appearsto bea proxy conflictlaunched by China. Beijing wants to punish one of the only two African states that recognizeTaiwanrather than the People’s Republic ofChina. While the U.S. Embassy in Mogadishu may define the fight narrowly in terms of the dispute between Somalia and Somaliland, Beijing’s focus is more strategic. If its tactics work in Somaliland, it likely will replicate them elsewhere.


In finally, China has expressed strong opposition to Taiwan’s growing engagement with Somaliland, a self-declared republic that proclaimed independence from Somalia in 1991 but lacks international recognition. China has been annoyed in the agreement between Somaliland and that agreement based on high diplomacy; China was beginning to push Somaliland to rescind relations with Taiwan. Afterward, the delegation from China in Hargeisa requested to cut off relations with Taiwan, which China will became one of the investors in Somaliland, but the former president, Muse Bihi, has refused.

Mubaarik hassan <[email protected]>



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