The Mayor of Hargeisa Mr Mooge deserved to be proud of him . Ali Behi

Saturday January 11, 2025 - 13:06:53 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    The Mayor of Hargeisa Mr Mooge deserved to be proud of him . Ali Behi

    Unlike somaliland former government which was characterised ...

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Unlike somaliland former government which was characterised ...

Somaliland new cabinet ministers, 48 in total took constitutional oath today in special ceremony held in presidental palace with attendance of somaliland president Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi, Vice president Mohamed Ali Aw Abdi. The official oath was presided by Somaliand Supreme Court judge, Adan Hajji Ali in line with somaliland constitution. The constitutional oath is mandatory requirement for government officials appointed for higher government positions.

Unlike somaliland former government which was characterised excessive corruption, excessive power abuse, excessive ignorance, and excessive failures, somaliland president Abdirahman Mohamed has nominated ministers that gained the hearts and minds for the entire somaliland public. This marked new Era in somaliland which involves fresh start. An Era which involves the unity of somaliland population unity across the country. This also marked the end of an authoritarian system that damaged the image of somaliland regionally and internationally. Somaliland current government will navigate somaliland into safe horizon which involves hope, peace, security, stability and true democratic environment. No more power abuse, no more discrimination, no more tribalism, no more terror rule, no more fear, no more corruption, no more police brutality, no more injustice, no more wars, no more conflicts, no more hostilities, no more illegal detaintions, no more illegal rules. This a beginning for new Era involves freedom of its people.

Hargeisa local government has presented the number of roads built in each of Hargeisa district in the following table. Koodbuur 15, roads, june 12 roads, ahmed dhagax 9 roads, gacan libaax 8 roads, M. Haibeh 8 roads. 31 May 4 roads. Mohame Mooge 4 roads. Gacama. Dheere 5 roads. Mohamed Haroon 6 roads. This landmark achievements presented by the city leadership responds those affected by triblism which spoken against hargeisa valuable mayor, Abdikareem Ahmed Mooge who gained the trust of every true citizen of somaliland with the exception for few tribal minded elements in hargeisa which, their triblism voices have zero impact in the ground. Hargeisa local population are lucky enough electing the gifted mayor, Abdikareem Ahmed Mooge who is a candle that lights thousands of other candles. Mayor abdikareem Ahmed Mooge is bright star who generate hope not only hargeisa local resident, but entire somaliland. Those spoken against mayor abdikareem Ahmed Mooge who is valuable asset for somaliland are trying to hide bright sun in their own hands which is kind of madnes .

Somaliland passports is trustable than somali passports in global ranking due clean records which made somaliland passport more trustworthy than somali government passports. Somaliland passport holders have clean records which is not true in the case of somali passport holders. Somaliland passport holders are free from any criminal records which is not true in the case of somali passport holders. Somaliland passport is not issued without investigating the past records and the back history on those applying somaliland passports. This is what generated somaliland to be reliable and trustable in contrast with somalia passport which is short reliable records. Furthermore, UAE government has confirmed somaliland passport as one of the acceptable passports which is listed in UAE immigration records.

Those spoken against Somaliand successful leader Hajji Hajji Ali who is the chairman for somaliland ruling party " wadani" are supporters for kulmiye failed system who are affected by triblism and jealousy against him. Hajji Ali is truth and combination of various postive qualities in action. He is benchmark of successful leader who is known rock political principle. His hardwork and his successful election campaigns throughout somaliland have played productive role for wadani party to win somaliland late election which somaliland president Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi was elected as somaliland 6th president elected through free and fair election which was based on landslide win. The truth is, kulmiye failed system supporters blame their failure to Hersi Hajji Ali which is against the law of logic. Kulmiye system has to blame their severe failure squarely to themselves, but not to anyone outside their system which lost popularity throughout somaliland. His successful leadership generate fear to kulmiye failed leaders.

Ali Behi

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