President-elect Cirro is the right man for the job!

Monday November 25, 2024 - 09:42:20 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    President-elect Cirro is the right man for the job!

    President-elect Cirro is the right man for the job!

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President-elect Cirro is the right man for the job!

Somaliland can rest assured, knowing that they have elected the right person for the job — the President of the country. Recently, I've seen many people on social media offering advice to the President-elect, suggesting who he should appoint to his cabinet and what issues he should prioritize as


While there's no harm in offering advice, and ultimately it will be the President's decision whether to take it, all these suggestions could unintentionally send the message that the President-elect is unfit or lacks the competence to lead. Nothing could be further from the truth.

If anyone is qualified to hold the office of President, it is this man. He is the only candidate with the right temperament and experience to lead Somaliland from its difficult past, on the brink of becoming a failed state, to a prosperousand respected nation.

The President-elect is a seasoned politician with an extensive track record: he served as Ambassador to Russia during the Soviet era, as Speaker of Parliament for over a decade, and led an opposition party before securing a resounding victory in the presidential election on November 13th.

He is an excellent communicator and debater, as demonstrated in the recent BBC interview during which he masterfully outlined his party's agenda and his vision for the country. His deep understanding of Somaliland’s constitution and culture makes him uniquely qualified to lead. No one in the history of

Somaliland’s presidential elections is more prepared for this office than he is.

Once again, I want to reassure Somalilanders that they have elected a President who doesn't need extensive advice or guidance on how to run thecountry.

He has the experience and skills to be an effective President from day one. We should all have full trust and confidence that he will lead us down a prosperous path.

Abdi Kabadeh

Toronto, Canad


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