The conflict planted by kulmiy. . trouble maker in in Ceel Afweyn has solved by grand Habar Jeclo traditional leadership . Ali Behi

Saturday November 02, 2024 - 16:04:56 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    The conflict planted by kulmiy. . trouble maker in in Ceel Afweyn has solved by grand Habar Jeclo traditional leadership . Ali Behi

    Somaliland heavy influential traditional leadership Habar Jeclo..

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Somaliland heavy influential traditional leadership Habar Jeclo..

The conflict planted by kulmiye trouble makers in Ceelafweyne has solved by grand Habar jacelo traditional leadership as they become power brokers in Ceelafweyne conflict. The brothers in Ceelafweyne declared peace between themselves. The credit for this peace goes to Habar Jacelo great traditional sultans. As from today, Ceelafweyne local population are enjoying peace, security and stability between them. Kulmiye trouble maker don't played minimum rule in this lovely peace. All Somaliand population throughout the country expressed congratulation the peace negotiated by Habar jeclo traditional sultans. On our end, this our appreciation with regards the peace in Ceelafweyne negotiated by the grand Habar jeclo traditional leadership. This peace brought to end the tribal conflict planted by kulmiye trouble makers .

It is obvious, somaliland heavy influential traditional leader, boqor Osman burmadow is king maker. This heavy influential traditional leader is characterised bravery,charismatic language, truth teller, rock principle. His self confidence is unprecedented. He is real power broker. The corrupt president, Muse Bihi can't dictate this powerful traditional leaders, boqor Osman burmadow who enjoy unprecedented popularity across somaliland. Habar jeclo powerful clan grand decision aimed to support wadani party presidential candidate become bombshell to dictator Muse bihi who damaged somaliland image locally and internationally. Boqor Osman burmadow stand as great traditional leader at all times. This is our appreciation the efforts of this great leader, boqor Osman burmadow to unseat dictator Muse bihi .

Somaliland heavy influential traditional leadership Habar Jeclo
ruled out that president Muse Bihi can sell their land through corruption to someone else. This will not happen under any circumstances, he said. We can't vote for a president who is busy all the time looting somaliland public properties as the law of logic is against electing a president that only his main occupation is looting somaliland public properties. President Muse has legalised corruption. He legalised power abuse. He legalised selling somaliland public properties through corruption. It is proved, president Muse Bihi is corruption in action. Muse bihi has the intention to become very rich as early as possible by selling somaliland public properties. Instead of helping somaliland poor people, contrarily, the corrupt president has looted tens of somaliland public properties through corruption. The corrupt president consider all somaliland public properties as his land. Muse bihi didn't feel shy and shame by selling somaliland public properties illegally. We call this shame in action. In view of above, the corrupt president, Muse bihi is short minimum credit to be elected again as a president of somaliland .What is, he doing practically is greediness in action. The corrupt president proved being somaliland worse enemy by legalised corruption. The corrupt president made his main occupation by looting looting somaliland public properties throughcourier. It is out of doubt, the corrupt president, Muse Bihi is labelled by Somaliand people as the worst president in somaliland long history. Muse bihi has the intention to sell all Somaliand public properties to finance his election campaign which is visible power abuse .

Ali Behi

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