Electing dictator Muse bihi means another deadly mistake. Ali Behi

Sunday October 27, 2024 - 10:58:12 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Electing dictator Muse bihi means another deadly mistake. Ali Behi

    There is no minimum doubt that Wadani ...

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There is no minimum doubt that Wadani ...

The biggest problems and threat for somaliland did not came from presidents in our neighbor countries like ismail omar Geele or Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud, but came from dictator Muse Bihi that, his government killed many innocent citizens, injured hundreds of civilians and arrested hundreds without committed any offense against the country. The dictator has bad intention which to hold power through military muscle because, he has no chance to be elected through ballot box. The dictator believes looting somaliland public properties as part of his job. He believes killing somaliland innocent civilians as part of his job. He believes arresting somaliland innocent civilians as part of his job. He believes speaking threatening language all the time as part of his own job. He believes speaking impolite language as part of his work. He believes fake pride as part of his routine job. He believes false stories like somaliland will be recognize by other countries will beatify his bad reputation. Dictator Muse bihi stand today the worst president in Somaliand long history. Dictator Muse bihi is the one who appointed least reputable personalities in somaliland to speak dirty language against Somaliand honourable leaders such as wadani party leadership who are one million times better than dictator Muse Bihi and his entire failed system Electing dictator Muse bihi was deadliest mistake for somaliland. The dictator imposes to the peace, security and the stability in horn of africa. The war the dictator declared to laascaano has damaged somaliland image internationally. Dictator Muse bihi is warlord who never thought making peace in the region as he believes conflicts in the region serve his political interest. The dictator is against the law of logic as all his decision are destructive. All his opinions generate disaster for our country and our people. Dictator Muse bihi is against the unity of our people as he believes dividing our people serves his political interest. All his intentions are become rich as early as possible. This is the reason why, the dictator looted somaliland public properties and misused the tax collected from our poor taxpayers. Taken into consideration all above, is this dictator worth to be elected again, according to law of logic, we should not.

Dictator Muse has a negative culture which is speaking to his people an angry mood, threatening language, abusive language, dictatorship language, fearful language, contrarily wadani party presidential candidate Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi speak to his people friendly language, smiling face, promising language, pleasing language, respectable language, diplomatic language, reasonable language, knowledgeable language and informative language. These are the great difference between two men. Therefore, there is no logic to compare criminal minded dictator, Muse bihi in contrast with real statesman, Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi who enjoy unprecedented popularity among his people. The great difference between two are clear to somalilander. Comparing the two mrn is like comparing dark night which mean dictator Muse bihi in contrast day light which mean Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi. It is like comparing jungle law which is dictator Muse bihi in contrast with the rule of law, AbdirahmanMohamedAbdillahi. Dictator Muse is inside sinking boat. The dictator didn't enjoy minimum amongst his people. The dictator is driving a car without fuel. He is driving a bus without passengers. He is signing in halls without audience. The dictator never like to hear his deadly mistakes, the crimes, the dictator committed against Somaliand innocent civilians. The dictator considers, the wrong as right and the right as wrong. The dictator is against commonsense which is a shared commodity across the world. We have never experienced or seen in somaliland a character like dictator Muse bihi. Hence, it is against the law of logic by committing another deadly mistake by re-electing a brutal dictator, Muse bihi .

Electing dictator Muse Bihi means making another deadly mistake, it is means destroying somaliland. It is means making your country worse. It means electing corruption, it means electing dictatorship rule. It means electing criminal mind. It means electing a brutal dictator. It means electing successive failures. It means, electing a failed dictator. It means electing disaster, it is electing destruction, it means electing dark future, it means electing war minded dictator.

There is no minimum doubt that Wadani political party which is the most popular party and most favorite party that will win somaliland presidential election being the sole choice throughout somaliland. Contrarily, kulmiye failed system didn't enjoy even 10 % approval rating across somaliland as the failed system leading somaliland to absolute destruction, absolute disaster, absolute failure, absolute political isolation and absolute diplomatic isolation. Kulmiye failed system is like a boat which it's anchor failed to function which is close to sink in high sea. Somaliland voters throughout somaliland are chanting goodbye Kulmiye failed system. Voters are chanting viva wadani political party being the friends of all Somaliand society. Wadani party has attracted the hearts and minds of all Somaliand population throughout somaliland. Those campaigning for the failed system is least reputable personalities in somaliland. They are short minimum reputation in somaliland. The failed system is affected by serve and chronic political bankruptcy.

Ali Behi

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