Dictator Muse Bihi and his campaign. Ali Behi

Sunday October 20, 2024 - 16:17:20 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Dictator Muse Bihi and his campaign. Ali Behi

    Dictator Muse Bihi and his campaign who is characterised..

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Dictator Muse Bihi and his campaign who is characterised..

Somaliland current cabinet council leading by dictator Muse Bihi is the worst one being the least reputable cabinet in the history of somaliland. All of the them with the exception of Dr. Saad Ali shire are ignorance in action. None of them with the exception of Dr. Saad deserve a cabinet minster. None of them has respectable professional background. In reality, majority of them are not even fit qualified office clerks. They are the worst examples in the history of somaliland. 

They are appointed to please Muse bihi ears as they are short the capacity to generate their own ideas. This is the reason why, the failed system is short minimum credit to claim. The unpopular system has no minimum credibility to be proud off. The inefficient system holding power in somaliland in seven years. However, they failed system didn't achieved single success to be proud off during this long period.

This is the reason why, 90 % of Somaliand society have joined wadani party being the sole choice for every Somalilander.

Dictator Muse Bihi and his campaign who is characterised a trouble maker Mohamed Kahin have no right to claim SNM liberation struggle as they were bottleneck for SNM liberation movement. The two used to sabotage the liberation struggle. The two played negative and destructive role during the liberation struggle. During those days, the liberation struggle, the two men were threat to the liberation movement as they used to divide SNM freedom fighters to sabotage the liberation struggle. In view of above, the two have no right to claim minimum credit for the liberation as they are characterised very bad record during the liberation struggle .

Sajin who is the failed party third chairman is campaigning to make somaliland awdal population as third class citizens. To get less rights. To ignore the rights of somaliland awdal population. Sajin represents himself but not somaliland awdal region population, samaroon. The failed system has recognized somaliland awdal population as third class citizens in their country. Kulmiye system acknowledged somaliland citizens in awdal region deserve less rights in contrast with issaq clans as the failed system consider somaliland as issaq territory. 

This is the reason why Somaliand important government positions like the finance minister, interior minister, foreign minister, military general, police general, Supreme Court judge, attorney general, audit general, house of elders chairman, the president and many more government sensitive positions are nominated officials originated from issaq. Above this, the number of government employees originate from awdal region are below 5 % of somaliland total government employees. 

This is an evidences of visible discrimination. The question is, will the voters from the region will vote with the party that discriminated. According to the of logic, not at all. Kulmiye is discrimination in action. The unpopular system is triblism in action. They are injustice in action. The failed system reminds us the former apartheid in south africa before south africa independence. The system are two in one .

Somaliland population in any part of somaliland are united against Muse bihi destructive system that deeply damaged somaliland existence. This beautiful event is honour for wadani political party. The event was well organized, well prepared, well designed, well decorated. The heartwarming event were made for eidagale girls, in particular abokor Muse great clan girls. It was beauty in action. 

Wadani political party which is the sole chance for every Somaliland voter will gain 99 % of eidagale total vote as we acknowledged dictator Muse and his failed system imposing big threat to entire somaliland. This is the reason why the entire eidagale clans have reached a bold decision which to vote against the corrupt failed system, kulmiye looted somaliland public properties. 

This is our appreciation to the organizers as well as these beautiful girls that participated this well organized event. This well prepared event become bombshell and rocket attack to Muse bihi dictatorship system which disappointment every citizen in our country. The entire eidagale locally as well as eidagale overseas dispora have joined hands and hearts to unseat Muse bihi tribal system which is discrimination in action, triblism in action, inequality.

in action, corruption in action, dictatorship in action, terror rule, oppressive rule in action, bad reputation in action, sincere ignorance action, political isolation in action, lies in action, fake pride in action, fake claim in action.
Viva eidagale girls. Our hearts are with them at all .

Somaliland former deputy minister for agriculture Nasir Aideed who is also SNM freedom fighter is leader with rich and rich moral. Nasir never compromise his dignity, his respect, his name, his principle and his reputation in exchange of dollars like many eidagale men that sold their dignity, their moral in exchange of lumpsom of dollars. Nasir Aideed is the only eidagale leader who who is characterised respectable image and shinning reputation among Somaliland society collectively

Ali Behi

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