The Train for great reforms and has started across Somaliland. Ali Behi

Thursday September 26, 2024 - 12:43:35 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    The Train for great reforms and has started across Somaliland. Ali Behi

    Somaliland horn star band are characterised the best

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Somaliland horn star band are characterised the best

The train for great reforms and changes has started across somaliland. This change will unit somaliland people collectively. This great reform is promising peace, stability, uniy, progress and diplomatic through for somaliland. Muse bihi dictatorship days navigating. Majority of somaliland population across the country are already on board this fast train which driving somaliland to uniy and prosperity. Wadani party will salvage somaliland from dictator Muse bihi destructive policies that isolated somaliland internationally. Dictator Muse bihi is failure in action.

Everything has a beginning and it's end. Dictator Muse bihi days to rule somaliland are numbered. He is corruption in action. Discrimination in action. Triblism in action. Bad reputation in action. Injustice in action. unfairness in action. False pride in action. Fake claim in action. His successive has generated the entire somaliland population to join Wadani party being the sole choice for every Somalilander. In reality wadani party is experiencing successive achievements throughout somaliland. This is what sourced wadani party to characterise a leading party among Somaliland political parties.

Somaliland horn stars band become the voice of somaliland people locally and externally. The misery their people experiencing throughout somaliland has effected their feeling. Their successive heartfelt songs about dictator Muse dictatorship widely captured in social media in particular, the facebook. Their continual songs which captured our hearts and minds become thunder storm for Muse bihi failed system.

Nationalism songs have great effect throughout the world. Famous songs which was played by great singers like somaliland horn stars have generated great effect and impact to their people. The current songs realised by Somaliand horn stars became the major talk in social media. These successive songs have enlightened dictator Muse bihi fake claim and fake pride. The songs have reaveled out dictator Muse successive failures in every sector which is essential for the lives of our people .

Somaliland horn star band are characterised the best singers among somali speaking Singers.Their current successive songs touched us emotionally where words alone can't. What we are experiencing presently in Somaliand have influenced them to sing about the boiling situation which every Somalilander is observed in somaliland. These songs have expressed what words alone can't expresse songs with nice lyrics is one key harmony in our lives. These songs have pleased our feelings and emotions. These successive songs have translated what happening somaliland presently .

Ali Behi

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