The Leadership of Muse Behi A Case of Narcissistic Traits. Dhakoshe

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    The Leadership of Muse Behi A Case of Narcissistic Traits. Dhakoshe

    The Campaign trail A Disconnection from reality.

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The Campaign trail A Disconnection from reality.


In recent years, President Muse Behi of Somaliland has garnered attention not just for his political actions but also for his behavior, which some observers suggest may indicate symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). This article aims to explore these characteristics and their implications for his leadership and the wellbeing of the Somaliland population.


The Campaign trail A Disconnection from reality.


During campaign tours across various regions in Somaliland, President Behi often presents a vigorous image, highlighting his health and vitality. However, this display stands in stark contrast to the reality facing many Somalilanders. Thousands are suffering from untreated illnesses, with many unable to afford basic hospital care. This stark juxtaposition raises significant concerns about his capacity for empathy and awareness of the hardships his people face.


This disconnect is also reflected in Behi's public statements, where he portrays a booming nation with economic growth and stability while failing to acknowledge the underlying systemic issues—poverty, unemployment, and limited access to essential services. His focus on self-promotion, rather than addressing the critical needs of the population, adds to suspicions that his leadership is not grounded in reality but is instead driven by personal aggrandizement.

Neglecting Public Health


Somaliland’s healthcare system remains severely underfunded, and citizens often have to seek medical treatment abroad in Ethiopia, Turkey, or India. President Behi’s administration has done little to address these glaring inadequacies, despite frequent reports of preventable deaths due to lack of healthcare access. In contrast, Behi’s public display of his own health and vitality—such as jogging or attending public events—has created an image of a leader far removed from the people’s suffering.


Such neglect reveals not only a lack of concern for public health but also a potential symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder: a disregard for others' wellbeing unless it directly serves to boost one’s own image. The indifference toward healthcare investments in Somaliland is consistent with this trait, suggesting that Behi's leadership style may prioritize personal or political gain over addressing critical issues.


Dancing Amidst Crisis: A Misplaced Prioritization

Another worrying aspect of President Behi's behavior is his engagement in celebratory activities, such as dancing traditional Dhaanto and Saylici, even amid significant national crises. During the ongoing LaasAnod conflict, for example, where hundreds of soldiers were captured, Behi was seen participating in joyful festivities. This behavior reflects a profound lack of sensitivity to the gravity of the situation and raises questions about his judgment as a leader.


This lack of prioritization of human lives during a war, while engaging in self-serving celebrations, could be interpreted as evidence of Behi's inflated sense of self-worth and need for attention. These behaviors have not only undermined public trust but also raised ethical questions regarding his ability to lead during a crisis.


Key Characteristics Of Concern

The characteristics exhibited by President Behi align with several key traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which has a profound impact on leadership styles and governance. Below are some of the main concerns:

● Lack of Empathy: Behi's celebration of personal achievements amidst public health crises reflects a troubling lack of empathy for the struggles faced by his citizens. His focus on personal image often overshadows the urgent needs of the populace, as seen during crises when his public appearances prioritize personal joy over collective suffering.

● Exploitative Behavior: Behi has been accused of exploiting his position to benefit himself and his close associates financially. Reports of corruption and self-enrichment have surfaced during his tenure, eroding public trust in his leadership. This tendency towards exploitation reflects the NPD trait of using others to achieve personal gain.

● Attention-Seeking Behavior: President Behi frequently engages in high-profile public performances and celebrations, often centering himself in the national discourse. His need for admiration may come at the expense of addressing the critical issues facing his administration, such as widespread poverty, health care, and education.



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