President Muse Bihi who is threat our lives , our future and the future of our country . Ali Behi

Sunday August 04, 2024 - 17:16:52 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    President Muse Bihi who is threat our lives , our future and the future of our country . Ali Behi

    President Muse Bihi is restless dictator who is threat to our lives...

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President Muse Bihi is restless dictator who is threat to our lives...

Borama council members have sold their identity, their moral, their respect, their name, their image, their reputation and their respect In exchange of dollars paid to them by kulmiye corrupt system which corruption and bribery are their common practice.

The failed system toppled the elected mayor and replaced him with someone who accepted bribery from the corrupt system. The failed system is short minimum reputation in the eyes of somaliland society being characterised excessive corruption, excessive bribery, excessive power abuse and excessive mismanagement. The corrupted mayor who accepted bribery from kulmiye corrupt system will be replaced immediately when wadani party will be elected in somaliland due election.

The whole international community from every country of the world have expressed sorrow and condemnation for the savage killing of innocent civilians in Mogadishu, but the dictator Muse bihi never joined the rest of the world and expressed sorrow because humanity has no place in his thoughts. Human kindness is short from his mentality. 

This is the reason his government has killed many somaliland innocent civilians and injured hundreds in August, 2022. The dictator has criminal mentality .

We condemn in strong worded language the savage killings committed by Alqaeda affiliated terrorist organization Alshabab against somali innocent civilians in Mogadishu. The international community should unit to eradicate Alqaeda and Alshabab organizations from the world .

In the event, the dictator President Muse bihi has the power like former somali president. Sayid Bare, he would have killed hundreds of somaliland citizens and arrested thousands of citizens. In fact, he would have established his empire or his kingdom being an authoritarian. The merciless dictator are surrounded by the least reputable personalities in somaliland reason being, birds of feature like flock together. Muse bihi consider reputable personalities in somaliland as his own enemies .

President Muse Bihi is restless dictator who is threat to our lives, to our future, to the future of our country, to the future of young generation, to the future of our independence, our sovereignty, our peace, our stability, our security and our demoracy. 

He is merciless dictator. The dictator is ruling somaliland through terror, through oppression, through intimidation, through harassment, through illegal detaintions, through police brutality, through one man rule, through fear, through fake promises, through fake propaganda, through fabricated lies and through police state ruling and through one sidedjudiciary . 

The dictator looted somaliland public properties illegally. His corruption has registered a peak record. His discrimination, his triblism and nepotism have registered an alarming level. His power abuse has registered limitless record. In view of above, his reputation at present is running close to zero percent. The dictator is holding somaliland highest office almost 7 years. Despite, this long period, the dictator is short any good thing which he sell to somaliland public.

President Muse Bihi is merciless dictator with criminal mind. Humanity, humantrian, kindness, mercifulness, the law of logic,the rule of law, democratic principles, free and fair elections, transparency, accountability, honesty & truth didn't constitute him any meaningfull sense. Taken above into account, every Somalilander has moral obligation to unseat this authoritarian dictator who impose great danger, great threat, great disaster, great disappointment, great destruction, great crisis, great chaos, great failure, and great political isolation to somaliland. Let's join hands and hearts to save somaliland from this restless dictator .

Ali Behi

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