Somaliland parliament rejected to remove immunity protection from honorable MP Mohamed Abiib. Ali Behi

Sunday July 28, 2024 - 18:20:56 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Somaliland parliament rejected to remove immunity protection from honorable MP Mohamed Abiib. Ali Behi

    Somaliland honorable parliament rejection for the charges filled

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Somaliland honorable parliament rejection for the charges filled

Somaliland parliament made null and void the false charges accused to Mp Mohamed abiib who demonstrated bravery against president Muse bihi government . Somaliland parliament flatly rejected the false charges filled against the hero MP. This is political defeat to president Muse bihi and his government. Somaliland parliament rejected president Muse Bihi dictatorship rule which is threat to somaliland future. The parliament members said in loud voice truth has spoken against the false charges raised by president Muse bihi government against the hero MP, Mohamed Abiib. This is early defeat for president Muse bihi dictatorship system. In this effect, somaliland wadani political party has won somaliland presidential election before actual election which supposed to be held in November 13, 2024 begin .

Somaliland parliament rejection to remove immunity protection from honourable MP,Mohamed Abiib is a direct message to president Muse bihi authoritarian system that violated somaliland constitution, rules and regulations over ten times. This is an early political defeat to president Muse bihi dictatorship system that ruling somaliland through one man rule man which is type of authoritarian regimes system which was in practice during the period of communist rule in soviet union times and eastern European countries such as east Germany, Poland, hungry etc .

This is our appreciation & congratulations for somaliland parliament standing committee for rejecting the false allegation filled by the government which experiencing its last days in office against the honorable MP Abiib who demonstrated staunch opponent to kulmiye failed system. 49 MPS have attended today parliaments session but only One parliament member Sheikh ku cadeeye has opposed the rejected and supported the illegal and false allegation filled against the hero MP, Mohamed Abiib who is characterised extra bravery which is not common for the rest of somaliland parliament members .

President Muse Bihi being an authoritarian dictator, he is threat to the entire somaliland. He is threat to our people. He is threat to our lives. He is threat to our future. He is threat to our future generations. He is threat to every Somalilander. He is threat to our existence. He is threat to the existence of somaliland. He is to our freedom. He is threat to the peace in the region. He is to our independence. Because Muse bihi means war in action, conflict in action, hostilities in action, brutal rule in action. Destruction in action, dictatorship rule in action. Injustice in action. Inequality in action, disaster in action,triblism in action, nepotism in action, unfairness in action, fake promises in action. Power abuse in action, one sided judiciary in action, fake propaganda in action, fabricated lies in action. Absence of truth in action, illegal laws in action, terror rule in action. Intimidating civilians in action. Cruel mind in action. Guilty heart in action. Hatred language in action. Threatening language in action. Oppression rule in action. Unwise rule in action. Diplomatic failure in action. Human rights violations in action. Police brutality in action. Anti demoracy in action. Political failure failure in action. Political isolation in action. Great danger in action. This is true picture of dictator Muse .

Somaliland honorable parliament rejection for the charges filled on behalf of President Muse Bihi against the hero MP Mohamed Abiib is direct message to president Muse dictatorship rule. Our respected parliament flatly rejected the fabricated lies against MP, Mohamed Abiib. This is humiliation message to president Muse bihi authoritarian system which violated somaliland political rights constantly. Justice has spoken over injustice

Ali Behi

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