MP Mohamed Abiib, who is the voice of voiceless. (Somaliland) Ali Behi

Sunday July 21, 2024 - 09:47:03 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    MP Mohamed Abiib, who is the voice of voiceless. (Somaliland) Ali Behi

    The crowds of masses which displayed in here have registered

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The crowds of masses which displayed in here have registered

Somaliland constitution which was writilten in 1997 need to be revised as didn't translate Somaliland current problems. The current constitution didn't answer the present problems prevailing in somaliland. This is the reason why why khaatumo state has separated from Somaliand. Moreover, somaliland awdal population has raised to amend somaliland constitution as the current version of the constitution didn't answer their legitimate demands. They claim, the current version of the constitution is one-sided .

Thousands of borama local population welcomed the bright star MP Mohamed Abiib with branch of leaves. Thousands of men and women changing welcoming slogans to please the noble MP. The unprecedented welcome has foiled kulmiye failed false charges against the hero MP, Mohamed Abiib. It is a day joy and happiness for Somaliand Awdal population. It is a day of pleasure for borama local population. The local proved injustice can't beat Justice. The welcome level is a test of popularity. It is strength of power. The level of enthusiasm from the local population can't be described in words being historic .

Somaliland awdal population foiled the fake charges filled against against the hero MP. Crowds of masses came out to welcome the bright star, MP Mohamed Abiib. This is a message to kulmiye dictatorship system that ruling somaliland through terror. This is unprecedented welcome. The level of welcome has broken records in contrast with past. Borama local population has proved no one on earth can silent the voice of Mohamed abiib who is spokesman for all Somaliand. Kulmiye failed system never had this level of welcome in the long history of somaliland. Viva Mohamed abiib, the bright star of Somaliand .

Borama local population has proved no has the capacity and the power to silent the bright star, the shinning MP, Mohamed Abiib who is the spokesman for all Somaliand population across the country. This is a test of popularity. It is text of power, it is test of strength, it is test of willpower, it is test of determination. It is power in action. It is bravery in action. It is demoracy in action..

It is honour for me written 14 x ( formerly twitter) about the hero MP Mohamed Abiib who proved being the hero for the entire somaliland population across the country. This great MP, Mohamed Abiib deserve to be written a book about his bravery that win our hearts and minds. In this effect, no one on earth can silent the willpower of noble citizens .

The crowds of masses which displayed in here have registered a new record in somaliland history as we never experienced such masses of crowds like this. This is a message to Faratoon who is short minimum relationship with his people. This is also amessage to kulmiye dictatorship system which is threat to our lives .
Kulmiye failed system is paying the cost of categorizing somaliland awdal population as third class citizens. The failed system is paying the cost of degrading somaliland awdal population. The failed government is paying the cost of denying the rights of awdal region population. The corrupt system is paying the cost of committing against awdal region large population .

The entire borama population which consists tens of thousands staged in front of brave MP Mohamed Abiib who is the voice of the voiceless. MP Mohamed Abiib is chanting down down Muse . Beacuse Muse bihi discriminated the region population, people are chanting we don't want issaq government. We have never experienced these crowds in the past. This is power of popularity. The voice of awdal population has spoken against president Muse bihi dictatorship rule. Muse bihi dictatorship rule has generated has united the region large population. Muse bihi is paying the cost of the wrong letter writing by the attorney general which aimed to silent the hero MP. The attorney general has written the letter to please the dictator, Muse Bihi. The brave MP freed borma any presence of president Muse dictatorship system. No one on earth can stop people's determination. The region local population refused to be third class citizens in their own homes which is the source of somaliland civilisation, the source of farming and the pearl of education. Viva somaliland awdal population. Down down Muse Bihi authoritarian system .

Ali Behi

[09:42, 21/07/2024] Cali Biixi Uk HWN:

Hadhwanaagnews marnaba masuul kama aha Aragtida dadka kale. Qoraaga ayaa xumaanteeda, xushmadeeda iyo xilkeeda sida. waxa kaliya oo Hadhwanaagmedia dhiirigalinaysaa, isdhaafsiga aragtida, canaanta gacaliyo talo wadaagga!
