The S/Land Electoral Commission Is Partial ( Abdi-Shotaly).

Tuesday July 09, 2024 - 19:06:47 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    The S/Land Electoral Commission Is Partial ( Abdi-Shotaly).

    * N.B Liars Never Go Far But short lived.

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* N.B Liars Never Go Far But short lived.
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The country that we once called S/land was collapsed and absolutely disintegrated or disbanded into clans, jokes of lies, corruption, undemocratic, injustice, which have no base of justification with no viable administration what so ever.

A deaf dictator soldiers whose names are " The one who remained alive after all real SNM HEROES have gone in liberation" (Raggii ma adigaa ka hadhay) and his supporter Who is called " The Mare-horse" (Geenyo-Shaaximan). Before this Soldiers robbed the power of the nation, everything was working in the right direction, there were no inter-clans hatering or fighting between the S/land territorial tribes but all these fortunes were become ruined in the hands of these unbrained top named soldiers.

Instead of all above, the hopes of our nationals become now beyond the grave. Before these mentals, we been fighting against injustice and in support of championing fairness, people or clans were having an equal opportunity in all ways of life, which are disappeared at moment. There is no independent ministry, police, courts, so-called governmental agents, even the current Commission is talking and telling what this rubbish soldier is narrated to us at 26 June independence day, which was supposed to be impartial, it is now working under the command of " Xaafad-Tooyo Soldier" My readers, you know well that all previous election Commissions and elctions whether it was presidential ones, locals or parliamentary, were fair and justified.

In short my collaborating readers, pkease don't trust these liars,all what I mean is, everything is in the hands of this money monger soldier, who knows only how to collect this nation's wealth, robbing resident's grounds & farms while their nationals are crying in hunger, Starvation, inflation, incurred diseases and so many life difficulties such as imprisoning without reliable jusfication, lack of speech freedoms and so on. If I give you the true pictures of these soldiers, as they claim in every second of their life since they vandalised the national votes that occurred in 13/Nov/2017, the call themselves SNM HEROES, but that is nonsense and has no evidences of that. They never ever fired a single one bullet against SNM OPPOSITION TROOPS ( Which are SIYAD's army) during what we call S/land liberation. When they were at there ( I mean SNM time), they been creating between SNM SENIOR OFFICALS, and divided them in two divisions I.e the White Flagged Division ( Calan-Cad) and Red Flagged Division ( Calan-Cas) but really they are not engaged or participayed anything that concerns fighting liberation, so what they always said is false but it is only a tricking games,intending to deceive the public opinions.

* N.B Liars Never Go Far But short lived.

By Abdi-Shotaly.

Hadhwanaagnews marnaba masuul kama aha Aragtida dadka kale. Qoraaga ayaa xumaanteeda, xushmadeeda iyo xilkeeda sida. waxa kaliya oo Hadhwanaagmedia dhiirigalinaysaa, isdhaafsiga aragtida, canaanta gacaliyo talo wadaagga!
