President Muse Bihi failed government. Ali Behi

Saturday July 06, 2024 - 13:44:55 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    President Muse Bihi failed government. Ali Behi

    Somaliland society collectively rejected kulmiye failed

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Somaliland society collectively rejected kulmiye failed

President Muse Bihi who is self dictator trying to pressure somaliland election commission to conduct the election in line with his favorite which means, the election should conducted by means of eyes biometric which is election condition that he raised before about election. But president Muse bihi can't dictate his favorite to other somaliland political parties .

Somaliland goverment has accused turkish government engaged anti Somaliland activities which is against Somaliand strategic and political interest.Somaliland government has indicated the talks between somalia and Ethiopia in Turkey produced anti Somaliland outcome.This message was conveyed through turkish consul general in somaliland. This is setback to somaliland diplomacy admitted by Somaliand government.

This is pure kulmiye government funded rallies aimed to promote the lost image for kulmiye failed system . But this is not different than self praise. Kulmiye failed government can't gain good reputation by praising themselves as this has no impact to somaliland society in general. No one can credit by funded political rallies as this is child brain mentality idea .

When Kulmiye failed system lost image in entire somaliland regions and district, they funded and organised rallies claiming they prefer chirstain amhara in contrast with muslim somali. This is to inform loudly to kulmiye failed system our identity is Islam but not chirstain. We born in Islam and remain Muslims. Unlike kulmiye failed system, we prefer Muslim somali than chirstain amhara because we don't have any common with chirstain amhara while we share religion, culture, traditions and even origin to Muslim somalis. Kulmiye failed system need to distinguish the difference between religion and politics .

Somaliland society collectively rejected kulmiye failed system dictatorship rule that remain power to rule somaliland through terror, oppression, intimidation, harassment, police brutality, firing live bullots to somaliland civilians, ban of freeedom of speech and press freedom. We never expected somaliland will fall a dictatorship system which is similar to the former somali authoritarian regime that we remove power through liberation struggle .

Kulmiye failed system has to accept early defeat as the entire somaliland voters joined wadani political party which its shinning image has overshadowed kulmiye unpopular system. Somaliland total population being rejected kulmiye fake lies, the system should accept early defeat. The current election slogan in somaliland is bye bye kulmiye unpopular system.

Ali Behi

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