Kulmiye failed system based on triblism system. Ali Behi

Wednesday July 03, 2024 - 10:47:20 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Kulmiye failed system based on triblism system. Ali Behi

    Somaliland president Muse Bihi and president Ismail omar from

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Somaliland president Muse Bihi and president Ismail omar from

Our brotherly country. Jibouti rolled up red carpet reception to somaliland president Muse Bihi. This photo which is self explanatory describes our brotherly country president Ismail omar receiving president Muse Bihi on red carpet which is highest honour extended to a president..

Kulmiye failed system labelled somaliland awdal region population as third class citizens. The failed system deprived the legitimate rights of Awdal local population. The system denied power sharing, equal employment opportunity & resource sharing from the region local population. Taken above into consideration, the region local population tagged kulmiye failed government as their potential enemy and as a result, the region local population will not cast single vote in favour to failed system that discriminated the region local population which also their political idealogy is based on triblism .

This is to inform accusing brotherly country Jibouti will worse the political climate in the region. I believe the idea at present between somaliland and Jibouti is to refrain accusing each other as this will not serve the bilateral interest of the two brotherly countries .

Somaliland president Muse Bihi and president Ismail omar from Jibouti were very close friends since Muse Bihi came to the highest office in somaliland. This is the reason why Muse paid working visit to Jibouti many times This photo describes the friendship between the two leaders. By default,we can't change our opinion to match president Muse Bihi personal political interest as we are nothing to do the political difference between the two countries. In view of above, we consider the people of Jibouti as our sisters and brothers .

Ali Behi

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