A Reflection on the 64th Anniversary of Somaliland's Independence: A Call to Reclaim its Rightful Recognition (Ali Abdi Hersi).

Wednesday June 26, 2024 - 07:46:34 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    A Reflection on the 64th Anniversary of Somaliland's Independence: A Call to Reclaim its Rightful Recognition (Ali Abdi Hersi).

    The response from the Somali government was brutal...

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The response from the Somali government was brutal...

As we stand on the eve of 26th of June, 2024, we are reminded of a pivotal moment in the history of Somaliland – the 64th anniversary of its independence from British colonial rule. On this day in 1960, Somaliland became the 15th African nation to gain independence, with recognition from 36 countries worldwide. However, this brief respite from colonialism was short-lived, as the leaders of the time chose to unify with Somalia, which had gained its independence just five days prior.The subsequent decades saw the Somaliland people subjected to discrimination, oppression, and marginalization by the Somali government. It was not until 5th of April, 1979 that movements began to form to reclaim Somaliland's lost independence. The Somaliland National Movement (SNM) was established on 6th of April, 1981, with the goal of liberating and reinstating Somaliland's sovereignty. For years, the movement employed guerrilla warfare tactics across Somaliland before finally entering major cities like Burco and Hargeisa on 27th of May, 1998.

The response from the Somali government was brutal, with air attacks and heavy military responses. However, Somaliland forces persisted, and on 18th of May, 1991, they secured the former British protectorate of Somaliland from the government of Siyad Barre, who ultimately fled. This date is celebrated as Victory Day in Somaliland.

While many recognize 18th of May as the birthdate of modern Somaliland, it is crucial to acknowledge that 26th of June holds deeper historical significance. This date marks the true anniversary of Somaliland's independence and should be recognized as such. It is imperative that we use this day as a platform to launch a campaign for international recognition and reinstatement of independence.

The past three decades of the practice of the Somaliland government have seen significant opportunities lost due to tribalism, political nepotism, greed, and corruption within governments. Disputes between tribes have often been resolved through volatile and improper means, hindering progress and development.As we approach an election season in Somaliland, concerns abound about tribal affiliations influencing the outcome. There is a risk that the current government may seek to manipulate the electoral process to maintain power. It is crucial that we come together as a nation to demand a fair and transparent election process.

In conclusion, as we celebrate the 64th anniversary of Somaliland's independence, let us reflect on our rich history and the struggles we have faced. Let us also acknowledge the importance of international recognition and work towards reclaiming our rightful place among nations. The future of Somaliland depends on our ability to put aside tribal differences and work towards a brighter future for all its citizens.

By Ali Abdi Hersi


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