The Unsuccessful Policy Of Somaliland's Political Crisis ( Abdi-Shotaly)

Tuesday June 25, 2024 - 07:47:01 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    The Unsuccessful Policy Of Somaliland's Political Crisis ( Abdi-Shotaly)

    * N. B The Likes Of National Inhabitants is Absolutely The Hatering Of Dictator's Stances.

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* N. B The Likes Of National Inhabitants is Absolutely The Hatering Of Dictator's Stances.
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We the Somaliland citizens urge the international community to hold this dictator and his administration accountable for his actions and the destruction of Somaliland’s democracy.

This Deaf so called president and his Mafia Group controls everything, failed to hold the democratic national elections on time, in order for him and his administration to stay in power illegally.

The international community must stand shoulder to shoulder with the Somaliland people who have voiced their concerns a loud and clearly pinpointed the weather of speech freedom, althrough peaceful demonstrations or organized conferences that has been held by the major clans of somaliland like the Garxajis conference that happened in Burco on the 25th of October 2022- 27/10/22 in

Which they have clearly stated that if this man on chair, does not come back to the negotiating table and agree to hold the presidential elections within the nine months period that the Somaliland Commission have stated, they will not recognize him as the president of Somaliland, which means in no doubt and for sure, civil war will automatically starts, so the country will become in jokes and rule of law would be out of control.

There is an English proverb saying " The bads of dictators are the best of his nationals" this is exactly what is going around Somaliland boundaries at this current times or for the last 7 years of Soldier's Administration. In another proverb which describing same as the top English proverb is " The likes of national inhabitants is absolutely the hatering of dictator's stances" So The Somaliland people demands, this man should hold a national elections as soon as possible, in Order Somaliland democracy continue as a democratic country and a peaceful safe haven for all but not for few. .

The Somaliland people are very concerned about their future & is demonstrating signs and signals of a very dangerous dictator. The international community

must take everything that happened in Somaliland the past 7 years very seriously and hold this dictators account for his failures as a president and signals to him that they will not continue to support Somaliland while he is obstructing the course of democracy. He has to and must hold the national presidential election, in Order a Somaliland get the support it needs from the international community.

* N. B The Likes Of National Inhabitants is Absolutely The Hatering Of Dictator's Stances.

By Abdi-Shotaly.

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