Being member for kulmiye failed government. , means you are member for a failed system. Ali Behi

Wednesday June 19, 2024 - 12:32:06 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Being member for kulmiye failed government. , means you are member for a failed system. Ali Behi

    Being member for kulmiyefailedsystem, means you are a member

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Being member for kulmiyefailedsystem, means you are a member
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When we liberated somaliland, we never expected somaliland will fall under an authoritarian rule leading president Muse bihi. This was the reason behind the idea of grand Gaashaanbuur successive conference over the last few months which the las one was conducted last week. People expressed, no to dictatorship rule. No to tribal leader. No to nepotism. No to privileges to certain sector of somaliland population..

Any somalilander who supports the authoritarian regime leading by president Muse bihi that cause this humantrian disaster is short of kindness, short of good heart, short of good moral, short of dignity, short of good reputation, short of respect and short of humanity, short of human value and short Islamic religious values .

The international community strongly voiced the humantrian disaster committed by kulmiye government against the innocent civilians in laascaano as the suffering for the civilians in laascaano have hurt their feeling. This is an absolute humantrian disaster which is painful story which will be remembered everlasting .

Being member for kulmiyefailedsystem, means you are a member for a failed system, means you are member of diplomatic failure system. Being a member for kulmiye system means you are a member of untrustworthy system. Being a member for kulmiye system, means you are a member of losing .

Dhulbahante people are brothers and our sisters. We have common history and blood relationship with them. It is better to establish relationship with them instead of threatening wars with them as war means death and destruction. Somaliland didn't war but need peace & prosperity. We need business and trade but war and conflicts.

Ali Behi

Hadhwanaagnews marnaba masuul kama aha Aragtida dadka kale. Qoraaga ayaa xumaanteeda, xushmadeeda iyo xilkeeda sida. waxa kaliya oo Hadhwanaagmedia dhiirigalinaysaa, isdhaafsiga aragtida, canaanta gacaliyo talo wadaagga!
