President Muse is short diplomatic skills. Ali Behi

Sunday June 16, 2024 - 10:51:21 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    President Muse is short diplomatic skills. Ali Behi

    Recognizing somaliland under president Muse bihi government...

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Recognizing somaliland under president Muse bihi government...

The first responsibilities of president Muse and his government is to respect the political freedom of his people which his government has oppressed. Kulmiye failed system which impose great threat to somaliland freedom of speech has to quite dictatorship rule in Somaliand and adapt democratic values in Somaliand. People will not accept hijacking their political rights and their political freedom.

Ethiopia is great neighbor & friendly country but somaliland can't afford isolating from the rest of the world. President Muse Bihi destructive policies isolated somaliland regionally & regionally. President Muse Bihi is short diplomatic skills which he can communicate from the rest of the world. This is the reason why the entire international community are united against Somaliand in view of president Muse bihi dictatorship policies which is the reason behind somaliland diplomatic isolation .

Recognizing somaliland under president Muse bihi government is more than midday dream reason being, the international community labelled president Muse bihi an authoritarian dictator who is war minded. Recognizing somaliland is more than impossible under Muse Bihi being warmonger. His destructive policies have damaged somaliland heavily .

Somaliland government leadership has to learn how speak a language that units somaliland society collectively. They have no right to accuse their failures to somaliland opposition parties in particular. Wadani party leadership. The system leadership need to correct themselves. The system leadership has failed to accomplish their responsibilities. This is the reason why they accused their successive failures and successive mistakes to wadani .

People all over the world become unhappy when they come across something that makes them unpleasant and angry. Somaliland professor, Ahmed Samatar described how somaliland minister of interior kahin spoken recently as disgusting tone being street language and uncivilized standard. Minister Mohamed kahin spoken not like government official. Minister Mohamed spoken in insulting language .

Ali Behi

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