Somaliland need drinking water before establishing Somaliland Airlines . Ali Behi

Thursday June 13, 2024 - 09:08:24 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Somaliland need drinking water before establishing Somaliland Airlines . Ali Behi

    It is laughing story and choke of the century somaliland ...

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It is laughing story and choke of the century somaliland ...

Globally leaders come and go as nothing permanent in this world with the exception of time. President has nothing to remember him with exception death, destruction, humantrian crisis, triblism, corruption, power abuse, looting somaliland public properties and absence of logic. His seven years rule In somaliland brought unpredictable crisis .

President Muse Bihi is effected ignorance about logic as Logic which is mandatory need across the globe don't make sense to president Muse bihi . President Muse Bihi story about Somaliand is forming it's own commercial airline was thin brain child story as somaliland didn't have minimum mechanism to develop it's own airlines. This is more than nonsense story. This is worst unbelievable story .

It is laughing story and choke of the century somaliland will establish it's own commercial airline piloted by Somaliand pilots.This is a nonsense story. While millions of somalilanders are short drinking water, president Muse said, Somaliland will establish it's own airline. This is the surprise of the century. This is on the unbelievable story we ever heard from any of the world. Event 10 year child can't believe this nonsense story .

There are seven world wonders. Somaliland establishing it's commercial airline piloted by Somaliand pilots seems newly known eight world eight wonders.This is like building brigades and palaces in the air. Somaliland need drinking water before establishing somaliland airlines. This is absence of commonsense.

President Muse Bihi has negative culture of speaking in anger mood in every occasion. But it is wise to refrain speaking while angry because you are not speaking in normal condition. Additionally, you will not achieve any political gains when you are effected by chronic anger. Furthermore, president Muse Bihi has an another negative culture of speaking threatening language in all his speeches which generates negative consequence.

Ali Behi

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