President Muse annual speech today in front of two parliaments Ali Behi

Sunday June 09, 2024 - 14:54:47 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    President Muse annual speech today in front of two parliaments Ali Behi

    President Muse has disregarded the chorinc crisis confronting...

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President Muse has disregarded the chorinc crisis confronting...

President Muse annual speech today in front of somaliland two parliaments, the house of elders and the house of representatives

contained nothing new as the President failed to mention any success his government has gained in his long period in office . In reality, President Muse has spoken as if he was speaking to none somalilanders who don't know minimum information aboutSomaliand. 

President Muse has disregarded the chorinc crisis confronting somaliland at present. He failed to address somaliland political isolation at present. He didn't spoken the complete region that split from somaliland. He didn't spoken somaliland military defeat in laascaano which he was responsible.

 He didn't spoken why the entire international community are united against Somaliand. Zooming up, it was the worst speech we ever heard in the long history of somaliland.

Somaliland president Muse Bihi speech in front of two Somaliland parliaments was proactive speech which aimed to destabilize Somaliand politically.The aim of this proactive speech focused to spoil Somaliland election climate which we are experiencing throughout somaliland. After president Muse lost the trust of somaliland population throughout the country, Muse Bihi has decided to cancel somaliland due presidential election expected to be held in next november .

Ali Behi

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