Somaliland Is Crying For Honest Administrators Only Not For Nons ( Abdi-Shotaly).

Thursday June 06, 2024 - 20:47:42 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Somaliland Is Crying For Honest Administrators Only Not For Nons ( Abdi-Shotaly).

    * N.B We Can't These Deaf Soldiers SNM Heroes But Enemies Of Our Democracy!

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* N.B We Can't These Deaf Soldiers SNM Heroes But Enemies Of Our Democracy!

The above mentioned country on the top, is now in the horns of dilemma and wasn't surely existing since 13 November of 2017, when two corrupted squarely cubic ignorant soldier's vandalised the nation's vote because of their benefit's sake only but not for general well being of our national's future, who are struggling in severe starvations, dying in streets while they are looking one slice of bread since they can't afford to buy a complete loaf of bread and thirsty of water, that was caused by high inflation of USA Dollars.

The so called S/Land territory is crying for honesty administrators but not for those at Hargeisa's " Xaafad-Tooyo" Who overturned our Constitution and Dictating all issues no matter what ever it is,⁹ corrupted it, robbed the civilians plots, sold the nation's reserved lands, such as playing grounds, Berbera Sea Port was given to DP World, schools, police line buildings, Ethiopia bought Zaila province to have a military base at their with $50 million cash. It's a shame to see young boys and girls under 10-12 years old, hopelessly sleeping in the middle of Hargeisa river, Burao or so many others I.E Borama,Erigavo, these young youths are having no future till we send out this money mongers, they are those who abused the named Of SNM HEROES but in reality they are not what these two empty minded soldiers are claiming, they are useless,good for nothing, rubbish and ruined the whole system of governance.

The man on the chair, still didn't answer where our military force had gone,nearly more than 10.000 inhabitants are died, missing or unknown their whereabouts what happened to them? What about our prisoners that held in Las-anod? Why & how our military technical weoponry have gone to opposition army of Sool? My friends, we need to get an answer why the force that we are building since 1991 was so easily broken in 2-3 hours only? Again my readers, apart of all problems on the above, more than half of our boundary ( The ex-territory of British S/L Protectorate) was gone and separated from us (The HartiLand) after the unbrained etymology soldiers brutally masscared deliberately on propose, bombarded with artillery shells ti Hospitals, Resources of Water Resources, Telecommunications, Electricity firms,Houses of innocent residents and killed more than 3000 people and displaced another of children,elderly people women and men as well. Now they built their own administration Of SSC KHATUMO, live in peace, harmony and participated in Federation of Somalia, They are evan more stronger the soldier's ones while talking uselessly at "Xaafad-Tooyo" building.

* N.B We Can't These Deaf Soldiers SNM Heroes But Enemies Of Our Democracy!
By Abdi-Shotaly.

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