Muse Bihi unwise policies president.

Wednesday June 05, 2024 - 10:50:26 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Muse Bihi unwise policies president.

    The election campaign has already started in somaliland. Kulmiye ...

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The election campaign has already started in somaliland. Kulmiye ...

Kulmiye government being labelled a failed system, somaliland diplomatic representatives stationed in overseas countries exist only as a name. They exist to draw their respective payrolls only which means they are unproductive and waste resources. The whole system is unproductive .

Being effected by chronic triblism, president muse has appointed most important position in his government to members of his inner clan reason being, president Muse don't trust anyone in somaliland who is outside his inner clan as the president rotates within the axis of .

The election campaign has already started in somaliland. Kulmiye government being failed in all respects, the system is short any credit which they can claim. Hundreds of their original supporters have joined wadani party which it's wide popularity down scaled kulmiye failed system .

A successful leader is the one who has influence to his people, inspire his people, motivate his people, encourage his people, become role model to his people, demonstrate unity to his people and lead his people by example. But, somaliland president Muse Bihi is not known any of the above leadership traits .

Somaliland president Muse Bihi destructive policies has generated the world infuential political players to unit against Somaliand. President Muse failed policies has isolated somaliland regionally and iternationally. At present, didn't have single friend from the international community .

President Muse government unwise policies made everyday in somaliland worse than a day in the past reason being, president Muse Bihi government is navigating to anti clock direction, in order words,wrong direction which means the future of our people is at the gates of great risk .

Once a word has been said, we can't draw it back. Good speeches generate light in our minds. It is food for our minds. Leadership speeches good or bad makes lasting impressions in our memories. Unfortunately, I didn't accounted any attraction speeche from president Muse Bihi .

Somaliland people live in uncertain as we heard every day somaliland is declaring war to laascaano which is gambling the lives of lovely youths. Somaliland didn't need threatening wars everyday, but we need justice and peace as justice and peace are two sides of a same coin .

Ali Behi

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