When kulmiye failed system lost reputation to Hargeisa , they travelled to Burao . Ali Behi

Monday June 03, 2024 - 15:58:53 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    When kulmiye failed system lost reputation to Hargeisa , they travelled to Burao . Ali Behi

    When Kulmiye failed system lost reputation in Hargeisa...

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When Kulmiye failed system lost reputation in Hargeisa...

Kulmiye failed system representatives have travalled to somaliland second capital Buroa to sell false stories to local population even though the city of Buroa local population fully are aware the failed system culture of fake propaganda and their nonsense. The failed system can't sell bad reputation in Buroa .

Kulmiye failed system and failure are two in one. Kulmiye failed system and corruption are two in one. Kulmiye failed system and triblism are two in one. Kulmiye failed system and hate speeches are two in one. Kulmiye failed system and fake stories are two in one. Kulmiye failed system and fabricated lies are two in one .

Kulmiye failed system is like bridegroom signing in his wedding. When people rejected,they are signing for themselves.They are laughing for themselves when there is nothing to laugh about.They are trying to pretend happy when they don't have anything that make happy to the people. There are no ears that interested to listen or believe a failed system .

When Kulmiye failed system lost reputation in Hargeisa, they travelled to Buroa even though Buroa local people labelled the failed the system source of successive failures in somaliland.Throughout the country, the failed system don't gained any ears that interested to believe them as the failed system are short anything which they can sell to Buroa local population..

As somaliland presidential election nears, kulmiye failed system are short any credit or achievements which they sell to somaliland public. The failed system is one man show. The rest of the members are not different than decorations. The rest have no voice simply, they are not more decorations .

What happened in Goojacade for our army forces was a shock for every somalilander .The heavy weapons captured by khaatumo forces from our army forces was shock for every Somaliland citizen. The hundreds of Somaliand war prisoners held in laascaano is great shock to all of us .

Minister Mohamed kahin need to learn how to speak clean language. He need to learn how to speak polite language..He need to learn how diplomatic language like Hersi Hajji Ali. He need to learn how to speak wisely. He need to learn how to speak in charismatic language like Hersi Hajji Ali .

President Muse Bihi is hungry to kill the elders & the children in laascaano to remain power in Somaliand as he is power hungry. The lives of elders and the children in laascaano constitute no value to him. Destroying hospitals & medical services in laascaano has no value to him. Humanity has no value to him.

Ali Behi

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