Kulmiye party nominating the least reputable, the least knowledgeable. The least experienced. The least respectable. Ali Behi

Sunday June 02, 2024 - 13:41:12 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Kulmiye party nominating the least reputable, the least knowledgeable. The least experienced. The least respectable. Ali Behi

    Wadani party secretary general Khadar has described the truth about ...

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Wadani party secretary general Khadar has described the truth about ...

After lost good reputation, good name, kulmiye failed system started nominating the least reputable,the least knowledgeable, the least experienced, least respectable and the most impolite personalities as government officials like Buuno who is pictured in here.Buuno is bad reputation in action .

These people are spending their time, their effort and their energy in return of nothing because they are member for losing party which is not different than a losing horse. They are a members of failed system which has no future and no hope. They are expecting their last days in office. The possibility of winning somaliland due election is equal to zero .

Wadani party secretary general Khadar has described the truth about president Muse Bihi who didn't in his country, but death, looting, corruption, power abuse, partial judiciary, military defeat and diplomatic isolation. People will not believe fake stories from president Muse. People will not believe anymore nonsense stories from president Muse bihi. People will not anymore president Muse Bihi self praise as people are mature enough.

Minister Mohamed kahin culture to create enmity between sisters and brothers in somaliland has failed to get fertile ground. His culture to create hatred between sisters and brothers in Somaliand failed to get fertile ground in somaliland. The failed system is at exit gate .

The days which president Muse Bihi and his interior minister Mohamed kahin used to claim Mujaahideen are over long. Their claim as SNM officers has failed to get ears that interested to listen as everyone in Somaliand fully aware the two never played clean records during SNM liberation struggle. The two used to sabotage the liberation struggle .

Somaliland minister of interior Mohamed Kahin didn't know minimum knowledge and minimum experience to be our country interior minister. In the past,one of Somaliand house elders member Mr. Shaadh has already defined Mohamed Kahin ignorance about the job assigned to him..

Kulmiye failed government is the enemy of humanity as the lives of human being is value less according the system leadership.This is the reason why they bombed hospitals & medical services in laascaano. This is the reason why they forced elders and elders to flee from their homes. They are the killers of elders and infants .

This is a plea to safe somaliland from kulmiye failed government authoritarian rule. This is SOS message to safe somaliland from current political isolation This is a call to safe somaliland from tribal based system. This is SOS message to safe somaliland from corrupt system. This is SOS to safe somaliland from absolute disaster .

Ali Behi

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