Somaliland population across the country has Common enemy who is president Muse Bihi. Ali Behi

Thursday May 30, 2024 - 18:40:14 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Somaliland population across the country has Common enemy who is president Muse Bihi. Ali Behi

    Since he came to somaliland highest office, president Muse Bihi

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Since he came to somaliland highest office, president Muse Bihi

Somaliland president Muse Bihi is busy how to size many land marks places in Hargeisa to sell illegally to greedy businessmen. The president didn't demonstrated any kindness to our police men in hargeisa which he forced to move our from their homes after he sold their homes .

Kulmiye government leadership never pays respect to somaliland constitution as they consider Somaliand constitution legally must serve their political interest. They consider somaliland rules and regulations just like blank papers which didn't constitute any valuable importance to the people and to the nation .

Since he came to somaliland highest office, president Muse Bihi never spoke in reconciliation language to his people. As a habit, president Muse Bihi speaks threatening language to his people. He never address to his people in friendly language being selfish style dictator .

Somaliland population across the country has common enemy who is president Muse bihi as he has torn the unity of somaliland people into pieces.President Muse is even impose threat to our existence. The art of logic which the source of good reasoning is short from Muse mentality .

Ali Behi

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