Kulmiye government failed. Ali Behi

Sunday March 31, 2024 - 15:42:22 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Kulmiye government failed. Ali Behi

    somaliland. They made the country ...

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somaliland. They made the country ... Kulmiye delayed somaliland election which was supposed to be held on December 2022 by purpose as they wanted to remain office 2 years more than their official term in office. The party was never prepared to held election in somaliland. They made the country as their own property. Till today, I didn't believe Kulmiye is willing to held in election in somaliland . Kulmiye has prohibited our people to right to vote, the right to determine their future, the right to decide their future, the right to speak their future, the right to get ther rights,the right to caste their votes, the right to protest injustice and to right to tell truth . Somaliland future depends changing kulmiye. Our future depends unseating kulmiye failed system. Our future depends voting against kulmiye failed system. Our future depends speaking single voice against kulmiye unjust government. Our future depends uniting to change kulmiye that hijacked the voice and the votes our people . We will not accept kulmiye to ban our rights to vote and our rights to elect the future leaders for our country. They can't ban to decide the future of our people. They can't be able to make us silent the injustice happening in somaliland. They will not be to hijack our votes . Kulmiye failed government is not prepared to held election in somaliland because they know they will loose the election in the event there is free and fair election in Somaliand. They are scared to make election in somaliland because they failed in every social aspect of life. Ali Behi

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