Somaliland diplomacy has registered a peak record when US secretary

Tuesday March 26, 2024 - 11:39:27 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Somaliland diplomacy has registered a peak record when US secretary

    The days kulmiye government remains in somaliland...

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The days kulmiye government remains in somaliland...

Somaliland diplomacy has registered a peak record when US secretary for africa visited somaliland during Dahir Riyaale Kahin while somaliland is isolated at present internationally & regionally.This is the great difference between Dahir Riyaale government and kulmiye government

Somaliland 3 political parties Kulmiye,wadani and Ucid will contest the due presidential election to be held in November 2024.But the question is,what Kulmiye will preach as election campaign election since Kulmiye didn't achieved single success from the day elected in 2017. The answer is nothing but failure

The days kulmiye government remains in somaliland highest office are numbered as 80% of somaliland population have decided to unseat kulmiye government which our people labelled them a failed government.Wadani which it's popularity skyrocketed will replace this failed government

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