Contrasting Legacies: Abdiqadir Jirde and Ali Mareexan in Somaliland. (Ali Behi)

Saturday March 09, 2024 - 11:48:04 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Contrasting Legacies: Abdiqadir Jirde and Ali Mareexan in Somaliland. (Ali Behi)

    Throughout his illustrious career, Jirde held various crucial positions...

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Throughout his illustrious career, Jirde held various crucial positions...


In Somaliland, where the political landscape is as diverse as its rich history, the stories of its leaders often paint contrasting pictures. Today, we delve into the narratives of two figures – The prominent Abdiqadir Jirde and The current minister of information Ali Mareexan.


Abdiqadir Jirde stands as a towering figure in Somaliland's political history, revered for his statesmanship and unwavering commitment to the welfare of the nation. Born into a family with deep ties to the British Empire, Jirde's upbringing was steeped in a legacy of service and dedication to public affairs. His father's role in serving the Empire provided Jirde with a unique perspective on governance and diplomacy from a young age.


Throughout his illustrious career, Jirde held various crucial positions, with one of the most notable being his tenure as the Speaker of Parliament during the challenging era of the Egal government. Despite the tumultuous times, Jirde's leadership shone through, characterized by resilience, dedication, and a steadfast commitment to upholding democratic principles. His ability to navigate complex political landscapes while maintaining integrity earned him respect and admiration from colleagues and constituents alike.


Ali Mareexan, on the other hand, occupies a different space in Somaliland's political landscape. Mareexan's presence is marked by controversy and discord, with his actions often sparking skepticism and discontent among the people. His decision to self-award a certificate of good reputation, despite lacking widespread public approval, is just one example of the disconnect between Mareexan and the expectations of the populace.


While Jirde's contributions to Somaliland cannot be overstated, Ali Mareexan's legacy is overshadowed by his habit of speaking in an impolite and disrespectful manner, alienating many within the community. In a nation striving for progress and unity, leaders like Jirde serve as beacons of hope, embodying the values of integrity, statesmanship, and dedication to the people.


In Somaliland's journey towards a brighter future, the lessons learned from these contrasting narratives serve as guiding lights, illuminating the path towards progress, unity, and prosperity.



Ali Behi


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