The Worst Government In The History Of Somaliland (Muse Behi Government). Ali Behi

Wednesday March 06, 2024 - 10:26:57 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    The Worst Government In The History Of Somaliland (Muse Behi Government). Ali Behi

    Somaliand media organizations must be loyal to government like..

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Somaliand media organizations must be loyal to government like..



Trust is like a mirror onec broken can't repaired. A broken glass can't be repaired. Most people in somaliland lost trusting somaliland government as this government has failed to accomplish the aspirations of somaliland people. People lost trusting this government as the this government has failed in aspect such as socially, politically, economically and militarily.

The country is navigating into unsafe horizon. Somaliland current government become a graveyard for justice and freeedom of speech. Everyone in somaliland who stood against the government become of arrest. Speaking truth about the reality in Somaliand become a crime against the state.

Somaliand media organizations must be loyal to government like the days of former dictatorship rule in somia Any media organization that speaks against the government is subject to be closed or arrested. Triblism and nepotism have reached a peak record in somaliland. Everyday in Somaliand become worse than a day before. People are experiencing the worst disappointment since Somaliand independence in 1991. Resource sharing in somaliland exists only in books but not in reality.

Some somaliland clans are privileged while others are considered as foreigners in their own homeland. What happening in somaliland at present reminds us the former somali dictatorship which was ousted by SNM in 1991. The whole country is rotating to anti clock direction or wrong direction. Somaliland is isolated internationally and regionally. At present, we don't see slight hope in somaliland.


People live in desperation nowadays. As somaliland is experiencing its worst period since Somaliand declared its independence 1991, hence Somaliand is mature for change as change means correcting what was wrong in the past, it means improvement to the existing system, it means better better reforms, it means correcting setback, it means success, it means new Era of achievements. It means right direction.

It means restore justice, it means restore hope, it means systematic work, it means loyal to country and you people. It means no more corruption, no means triblism, no more corruption. No more partiality. No more illegal arrests, no more illegality. No more restricting press freedom. No more police brutality. No more political isolation to somaliland. No more lies..No more rotten language. No more false accusation. No more political arrests .

No more bad governance. No more blind rule. No more dictatorship rule. No more single man rule. No more abusing demoracy. No more ignoring the rule of law. No more unprofessional government officials. No more unproductivity. No more favoritism. No more dividing Somaliland people into tribal lines. No more nepotism. No more lies. No more rotten language. No more hiring liars. No more without hope. No more untrustworthy good. Somaliand current government has failed in every aspect socially, economically, politically and militarily. Deriving from this, Somaliand wadani political party is the sole hope for Somaliand. Wadani party popularity is skyrocketed across somaliland being gained the trust of all Somaliland people collectively.

In conclusion, wadani party approval rating in Somaliand is not less than 70 % of Somaliand total voters taken into account wadani party unprecedented popularity in every Somaliland region, in every district and in every small settlement in Somaliand.

Time is running against the so called current government which lost the trust of it's people as trust is like a mirror once broken can't be repaired..Loyality to your people and your country is mandatory requirement to every true citizen, but Loyality to wrong system is morally wrong.

I will not be loyal to the system which is the source of injustice in somaliland, source of triblism in somaliland, source of nepotism in somaliland, source of wrong doing in Somaliand source of tribal pride in Somaliand, the source of bad governance in Somaliand, source of unsystematic, source of power abuses in Somaliand, source of restricting press freeedom in somaliland,the source of absence of demoracy in Somaliand, the source of source of political isolation in somaliland and source of disappointment in somaliland.

Universally, even pets like cats and dogs have feelings let alone human being which is mentally developed. Please don't consider somaliland people are short of feeling. We have a feeling which makes us to distinguish between the wrong and the right. Please don't think we don't know what happening somaliland nowadays.

Truthfully. Somaliland people are experiencing their worst disappointment ever. Wearing beatiful suits can't generate good reputation for government officials. Hence, Somaliand is mature for change as change is inevitable. Change means improving, it means better system, it means better reforms, it means changing what is wrong earlier. It means restores hope.


Ali Behi


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