Ethiopia iyo Arlada Somalida

Wednesday February 07, 2024 - 16:43:04 in Articles by Hadhwanaag News
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    Ethiopia iyo Arlada Somalida

    (English Translation in the last Section, below)

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(English Translation in the last Section, below)

1. Abiyow inan ordoo,  abiyaad tahay.

2. Eeg kalena waxaad tahay arbiyo, Aar libaax dhalaye.

3. Aniguna Adeerka ogoo, taa arkaan ahaye.

4. Oroomo iyo Soomali waa, Laba ilmaadeere.

5. Odaygii Qushaa ina dhaloon, Ku abtirsoonaaye.

6. Ethiopia na, niman baa u qaba, Aqal ay leeyiine.

7. Dadka kale adoon iyo waxay layiin, Wada Adeegaaye.

8. Uluuf sano ayaan soo lahayn, Eraygu weeyaane

9. Awood Xukuna uma ogalin bay, Ku adimaayaane.

10. Iska eeg ragaasoo ha galin, Eesha dabinkooda!

11. Abiyow inan ordoo, Aabiyaad tahaye.

12. Aniguna Adeerka ogoo, Taa arkaan ahaye.

13. Aflagaado maahee talaan, Kuu alkumayaaye.

14. Ixtiraam na waan kuu hayaa, Aad u sii badane.

15. Aduunyadan wax badan baa jiroo, Lagu ilduufaaye.

16.Adeerow hubsiiniyo ogow, Axadh go’aankaaga.

17. Ilaahay Aqoon iyo Caqluu, Kuu albaab furaye.

18. Awoodiina wuu kuugu daray, Aaladii Xukune.

19.Ha yeeshee Iblays baa jiroo, Aano ku qaba’e.

20. Ayaamahan na wuu kugu maqnaa, Abriska Shaydaane.

21. Umadoo dhan buu kugu diraaa, Aramiyeeyaye.

22. Alle maganso oo yuu ku dagin, Aadu iyo jaanku.

23. Adyad iyo waxay sheegayaan, Eedahoo badane.

24. Arxandaro Tigree inaad gubtood, Olol ku naafaysay.

25. Oday iyo inaad inan dishood, Aad arxami weyday.

26. Oroomada tolkaayana inaad, Wada agoomaysay.

27. Amxaarada inaad laysayood, Aakhiroo u duubtay.

28. Ererteriya inaad badhifurtood, Marin albaalkeeda.

29. Afwerki inaa kala dudeen, yay akhriyayaane.

30.Maantana hadaad orodayood, Mahadho uugaantay.

31. Ood tidhi awood baan ku qaban, Aradka Somali.

31. Asqo weeye arrinkaasiyoo, Waa indhola’aane.

32. Alle mahade adaa toosiyoo, Oogsay Shacabkiiye.

33. Idilkeeda Hargeysaa kacdoo uuro soo kicine.

34. Muqdishana "Abeed!” bay tidhoo, Amartay Gaaskiiye.

35. Ismiidaamiyaal bay hayaan, Huraya ooftoode.

36. Ololay bilaabeen dhamaan, Aararkii Herere.

37. Aakhiro kuwii joogay baa, iil kasoo kacaye.

38. Ahmed Guray ayaa soo socdiyo, Awliyoo idile.

39. Idilkeed ba Somali waa, Ul iyo dirkeede.

40. Ethiopia na dildilaacdayoo, Waad ogsoon tahaye.

41.Isqaboo intaa aanad dhicin, Arrinka toos-toosi!

-----  English Translation -----

"O, Abiy!”, Ethiopian Somali Poetry

"O, Abiy!” you are an arrogant young fellow

By another look, like an elephant and a lion’s son

And I am a sort of uncle who knows and sees

For Somalis and Oromos are cousins 

We are descendants of the oldman: "Kush”

Some people see Ethiopia as exclusive possessions,

And other people as their slaves and servants,

Claiming thousands of years of sole ownership

We wont’s allow them to rule is their motto

So, Beware of them, their plans and bad plots

"O, Abiy!”, You are an arrogant young fellow

And I am a sort of uncle who knows and sees

I do not mean to insult, but to give honest advice

And I have a lot of respect for you.

There are a lot of pitfalls in this world

So, ascertain every thing and analyse your decisions

God opened Gates of Knowledge and Wisdom for you

And gave you the Power and Prerogative in Government

But alas, the devil is up to exact revenge

And Satan is on your case in his demonic ways

He (Devil) sets all people against you and poisons their minds

So, make God your shield, guarding against tempting or tricking

Lately, some have been leveling accusations against you:

They say you mercilessly burned Tigre, disabling with fire

They say you killed their little boys and oldmen.

They say you made your people (The Oromo), all orphans

They say you killed Amharas and roll them into graves

They say you betrayed Ereterians and did not give their due

They say you had a fall out with Afwerki, once a close friend.

And now that you ran amok and said the unthinkable:

"I will take Somalilands by force”. That is a blunder and blind action

Thank God, you awakened the Somali people

All Hargeysa is up in arms, creating duststorm

Mogadisho said: "Alas” And ordered battlions ready

They have suicidal bombers offering their bodies

The lions of Harar started their campaigns

And those who died have risen from the graves

Ahmed Guran and other saints are on their way

All Somali people came to stick together like one stick

But as you know, Ethiopia is presently in shambles

So, rein in yourself and fix things to prevent painful fall.

Ahmed Doobaje,
February 6, 2024


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