The Three Ex-Udub's Mercenaries Are Now Qudhmiye's Pot Scrubbers ( Abdi-Shotaly).

Monday February 05, 2024 - 12:56:09 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    The Three Ex-Udub's Mercenaries Are Now Qudhmiye's Pot Scrubbers ( Abdi-Shotaly).

    * N.B Pot Scrubbers Have No Sensible Thinking To Put Right Their Wrong Doings...

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* N.B Pot Scrubbers Have No Sensible Thinking To Put Right Their Wrong Doings...

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In so called S/Land, which doesn't exist at current or since the soldier in " Xaafad--Tooyo" seated on the top chair, the country's sovereignty was evaporated as boiling water, but exists only by name. It Functions for few idiots who robbed the wealth of this poor nation, among them there are some people, who always tries to be part of every administration, who are the three ordinary fat-cat-stooges whom I pictures on the top of this article's title. These three stooges are the following creatures:-

(1) The old white haired Wolf, that I call him "The Son of Black Spear" Or in Somali " Ina Murjin-Madoobe" But some of you named him " Ina Waran-Cade" This man's job is to work secretly with Soldier, he advices how he will make weak to Garhajis Clan but nothing else, he is the servant of the " Soldier who remained alive when all real SNM HEROES are gone" During Liberation of this buried S/land By two inexperienced and tribalism mined soldiers.

(2) The second one is " The Big Eared Corpse" Or the one that we call him in Somali " Bakhti Dhego-Weyn" Me honourable readers ans Dan's, this man was absolutely hired by the soldier that I mentioned on the top, his main job and Number One Priority " Is to divided Garhajis into some small sub divisions or clans " because he want them to loose the expected presidential election of November 2024. He is a weak and manageable person, with no-sensed concious mentally. He knows only how he deceives the taxes of this people who are dying for hungry.

(3) The third one, is the most dangerous and poisonous person of all, he is called Awil, the Ex-Finance Minister of President Dahir Riyale Kahin ( Allah will safe him Health and Peace through his life). This man has long history of rubbish human Smuggling, thef and spying during his time of Siyad Barre Regime, when he was the Somali Ambassador of Kenya. He is a millionaire, he collected all taxes of Udub's Administration. In short this is untrustable, untrustworthy in all walks of life. He is a close advisor, who gives the bad advices to this mental soldier.

All in all, my honourable fan,I want to put this article in a nutshell and give the opposition masses of this country that we loved a lot ( S/Land) but doesn't exist at the moment, to be extra carefulness. These three men are money mongers, who always think of their selves but not for the National Well Beijing. Again they are the real stooges of the mad soldier.
* N.B Pot Scrubbers Have No Sensible Thinking To Put Right Their Wrong Doings.
By Abdi-Shotaly.


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