biya Ahmed Is A Poisonous Person ( Abdi-Shotaly).

Sunday February 04, 2024 - 10:22:27 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    biya Ahmed Is A Poisonous Person ( Abdi-Shotaly).

    * N.B A Snake Can Not Be Trusted.

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* N.B A Snake Can Not Be Trusted.

The president of the Somali region hinted on his official website that Abiy's administration wants the Somali region to participate in the fighting in Northern Somalia, help defeat 'Somaliland's' militias, and fight alongside Somaliland to reclaim the territory they lost.

This was part of the MoU deal since Ethiopia offered military support through the Somali region with the Liyu police. Quote This is what Mustafa Omer posted. "Residents of the Somali region have endured difficult situations that have left them alone. I am not interested in, nor can I bear, the wars and repressions that take place in their homeland, which has become a staging ground for unrelated hostilities. It's strange to regard them as cannon fodder on a day when others wish to burn them."

The residents of the region are living during the optimal time for security, independence, and growth. It is in our best interests to build on previous accomplishments, which can only be achieved through political stability and security."

In addition, Abiy's administration appointed Gen. Demmesie Guyu in the hopes that he would spearhead the fight against SSC-Khatumo and Awdal, as well as any other groups vying for electoral.

Reading the president's speech suggests that Mustafa Omer and Abiy are no longer on good terms. Mr. Omer refused to help militarly with "Somaliland" and get entangled in the conflict in Somalia.

Aby Ahmed is very dangerous man. No one can trust him. Oromo troops killed over 500 000 civilians in Tegra region. He is poisonous snake. Entering agreement with Aby Ahmed is equal making suicide.Abya is the last one who trust a d believes on earth to size a Somali territory in power of strong Muscle.He has very dangerous ambitions which threat to our existence,in addition to that this guy want to make somaliland feeding centre for 130 million ethiopians.Abya Ahmed is a leopard who wears a sheep skin, as you think it is a sheep but in reality it is a leopard. The question is what did you expect from a leopard?. Did it makes a friend of you or enemy.

* N.B A Snake Can Not Be Trusted.
By Abdi-Shotaly.

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