Today's Buq-Dharkayn War Is Another Clear Message To " Xaafad-Tooyo" Administration (Abdi-Shotaly).

Thursday November 09, 2023 - 10:03:38 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Today's Buq-Dharkayn War Is Another Clear Message To " Xaafad-Tooyo" Administration (Abdi-Shotaly).

    * N.B A Mental Never Be Ruled In The Right Direction But Disaster.

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* N.B A Mental Never Be Ruled In The Right Direction But Disaster.

The country that I love most ( Somaliland) was out of the World Map since 13/11/2017 as I said before and today's defeat of soldier's maleeshiyas at Buq-Dharkayn war, is another clear signal to " Xaafad-tooyo" and shows how this man is weak, so, how he faces the new Awdal State uprisings of Samaroon And Ciise liberation? It's absolutely impossible to convert them.The country that we liberated with bullet, in which over one million people of our highly qualitative heroes were died on behalf of it,is now struggling for survival but couldn't but we cannot put the watch back to how we are used too, at four previous Administration's before him. 

Its upon us to take the bullets again as we liberated before from the big-mouthed soldier, who is also the teacher and trained this inexperienced, mentally null, deaf and dumb soldier, who is called " The one who remained alive after all real SNM heroes were gone" And his assistant tale shaker "The Engaged Horse Mare" Geenyo Shaaximan, when they inherited the chair by robbing the presidential election, that we are expecting,which is no more in sight at the moment and become unexpected, absolutely thrown over the window, there is nothing we can call " The Beautiful Somaliland" is absolutely lost in the hands of these two senseless soldiers, it doesn't exist any more.


I think its better to be renamed "Land of Two Soldiers" instead of Somaliland" Because we lost all hope of creating a democratic society live in equality & harmony, even the peace that we used too, is evaporated as it is a boiled water, people are scary of fighting between inter-clans and also a soldier's Administration's Aggression against some Clans, like that broke out in Las-anod And Awdal is now on her way of liberation from the rest of soldier's administration, after ethnic cleansing, wars can take place at any time in region by region and so on, today's fighting at " Buq-Dharyn" is another meaningful loss of mad soldier's mentality, in other words fighting between clans could be broke out at any time in every second around the clock. If you want peace and life be prepared for war, you have to face the realities, nothing else will gives you back to normal, that means, we have to kick out this mad soldier from the chair. 

My cuctomers of Hadhwanaagnews, there is no any other alternative solution to get Somaliland of all back before 13/11/2017, till this soldier stepped down unconditionally⁹. This is the only hope In which Harti Clans can start an open dialogue with new administration and Samarouns of Awdal could be settled in some way or the other. Unless we do that don't tell me, we will get back ex-Somaliland but its now an " Administration of Two Soldiers, in reality speaking it hasn't any other name up to now.


What they call national Commission is not independent one but do only what is commanded by these brainless two Soldiers at Morgan's house in Hargeisa, they always put a pressure on them in every step they intended to take, as what happened the last ex-chairman of the Commission, he who looks after the goats " Mr Riyo-Raac". They setup a false Electoral Committee in their favour, because they want to rob again the national one-man-one-vote. Police and military army who used to be out of politics are now under the command of " Raggii ma adiga ka hadhay", there is no freedom of speeches, they want to be silenced the whole people in the country, which is impossible to do it but trying hard, media and censorships bases were taken off their licences, more than half of Somaliland journalists are in prison without verification cases or no so called police warranties, because they want them not to tell the realities of what is going around, this rubbish administration of soldiers lives in lies but nothing else. they go under shadowed corners, they never ever come under mid-day sunshine, they have to go and repeat same story round and round ( Ila-meerayso Job).

There is an English proverb saying " A mad never rules a family but abuses it " That is exactly what is happening in our country, whether you believe it or not. If you want Somaliland back to normal,please mind up your brain to Justice for all not for few blood suckered fat lambs at " Xaafad-Tooyo"


* N.B A Mental Never Be Ruled In The Right Direction But Disaster.

By Abdi-Shotaly.


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