Hambalyo Gudoomiye faratoon

Wednesday July 26, 2023 - 09:48:25 in Articles by
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    Hambalyo Gudoomiye faratoon

    I extend my best wishes to him as he takes on

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I extend my best wishes to him as he takes on

Congratulations to His Honourable Mr. Yassin Haji Mohamoud Xiir (Faratoon) on his election as the Speaker of the Lower House in Somaliland's parliamentary! This is a momentous achievement and a recognition of his leadership qualities and dedication to public service. 

I extend my best wishes to him as he takes on this important role, and I hope he will serve with wisdom, fairness, and a commitment to the betterment of Somaliland and its people. May his tenure be marked by progress, unity, and prosperity for the nation.


Mohamed Osman



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