Ireland Votes to Make Divorce Easier

Monday May 27, 2019 - 09:37:03 in Articles by Hadhwanaag News
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    Ireland Votes to Make Divorce Easier

    Irish voters have overwhelmingly endorsed a plan to liberalize the country's constitution to make it easier for couples to divorce.

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Irish voters have overwhelmingly endorsed a plan to liberalize the country's constitution to make it easier for couples to divorce.

Election officials said Sunday a constitutional requirement that couples be separated for four years before being allowed to divorce will be removed.

It will fall to Ireland’s Parliament to come up with new legislation to govern divorce.

Officials say more than 82% of voters endorsed the change, which follows liberalization of abortion laws approved in a referendum last year.

Culture Minister Josepha Madigan told RTE News voters had shown compassion by "humanizing the system.”

Voter turnout on the referendum vote was just more than 50%.

Local election results are still being tallied.



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