Sudan's Military Council Warns Protesters

Monday April 22, 2019 - 23:39:39 in Articles by Hadhwanaag News
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    Sudan's Military Council Warns Protesters

    Sudan's Transitional Military Council wants protesters to remove themselves and the blockades they have placed around the military headquarters in Khartoum.

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Sudan's Transitional Military Council wants protesters to remove themselves and the blockades they have placed around the military headquarters in Khartoum.

In a statement Monday, the council called for an "immediate opening of the roads and removal of the barricades" around the site.

The council's warning comes a day after talks between the protesters and the military broke down because the military refuses to transfer power to a civilian government.

Protesters have been demanding a change in regime since December.

"We have decided to opt for escalation with the military council, not to recognize its legitimacy and to continue the sit-in and escalate the protests on the streets," said Mohamed al-Amin Abdel-Aziz of the Sudanese Professionals Association, one of the main organizers of the protests.

The military removed President Omar al-Bashir from power on April 11, after three decades in power. But since then, the military has made no move toward transferring power to a civilian council as demanded by the protesters.

Sudan's army ruler, General Abdel Fattah al-Burham told state television Sunday that a joint military-civilian council, which he said was one of the demonstrators demands, was under consideration, "The issue has been put forward for discussion and a vision has yet to be reached," he said.



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