Waxaynu Soconaba. Maanta Ayeynu Af Libaax Galnay. !?..... Allow Sahal Amuuraha.

Sunday July 05, 2020 - 09:33:59 in Articles by Hadhwanaag News
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    Waxaynu Soconaba. Maanta Ayeynu Af Libaax Galnay. !?..... Allow Sahal Amuuraha.

    The Taiwan Somaliland Diplomatic Relationship Fiasco.!?

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The Taiwan Somaliland Diplomatic Relationship Fiasco.!?

this is not a good news for Somaliland. It's indeed a very sad and very dangerous deal from my own prospective.


This is undeniably a very complicating situation  and very dangerous presedent. Particularly when it comes to dealing with, and yet, establishing this sort of unusual relationship with completely isolated and unrepentant rebel island. Where every other internationally recognised nations has successfully avoided and apparently failed to make contact with this pariah and totally determined rebel island called Taiwan. In order to avoid any unnecessary military confrontation with mainland China.


PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: The only recent example for you is what happened to the Island nation called Papua New Guinea (PNG) near Australia, just few years ago, when they have officially recognised Taiwan as an independent nation. And therefore,  the Prime minister of that Island nation has been generously granted millions of dollars by the Taiwanese government.


The Chinese navy has suddenly appeared on shores of PNG and they have been told that, if they did not immidiately denounce and refrain from this so called recognition of Taiwan. Then without any shadow of a doubt, the entire PNG island will be destroyed beyond any recognition and will eventually be sub-merged into the Pacific ocean.


The government of PNG has taken this threat very seriously and immediately denounced that unusual diplomatic relationship with Taiwan.


However, this does not necessarily mean that I am totally against the government of Somaliland or, perhaps our undeniable persuasion towards our self-determination and tangible international recognition. But unfortunately, this is not the right place to shop around.


Therefore, I am wholeheartedly quite concerned, that we might apparently end up or perhaps suffer the same and unrelenting consequences of this unbelievable and totally unbearable deal with Taiwan.


So that, I would strongly recommend the government of Somaliland to further look somewhere else for fishing, instead.

Sheikh BALISHIRE is extremely so scared right about now....



Hadhwanaagnews marnaba masuul kama aha Aragtida dadka kale. Qoraaga ayaa xumaanteeda, xushmadeeda iyo xilkeeda sida. waxa kaliya oo Hadhwanaagmedia dhiirigalinaysaa, isdhaafsiga aragtida, canaanta gacaliyo talo wadaagga!
